Chapter Eleven

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Lunch earlier in the day with Michael was wonderful.

As she got home, she couldn't stop thinking about their shared moment- the way he smiled at her, the way he looked at her, the way he spoke to her, everything made her melt- it was as if she was a young teen head over heels for a very handsome celebrity man. Or a teenage girl who had her first love and couldn't stop day dreaming of romantic fairytales that were impossible to happen.

But the happy moment came to an end as she saw her brother sitting with a shocked face at the kitchen table.

His face was white as a sheet.

"Rob? You alright?"

"S-She's definitely pregnant...w-we think its m-my kid." Roberto chuckled. "I think it's definitely my kid."

Fiona did not find this amusing one bit. All she could do was stand in the doorway, not moving a muscle as she stared at him in shock.

"A-all I wanna do for provide for her...i-if its my kid. W-we can run away from her family- go somewhere else and I don't k-know, live happily together..." Roberto's eyes were teary, his cheeks were slightly pink and his hands trembled. Now, he sounded like the teenage girl who had her first love and couldn't stop day dreaming about romantic fairytales to Fiona.

"I-If it w-were my k-kid, I wanna do that F-Fiona."

After that scenario, Fiona was left all alone at home while Roberto went out to an unknown destination. The room was gloomy, a small lamp illuminated the whole living room as Fiona sat straight in the middle of the sofa, still in her coat and shoes- staring at the dull and empty wall in front of her.

For some reason, a memory popped in Fiona's head. A memory she never expected to return to her.

A memory she thought she forgot.

A memory that wasn't very pleasant.

A memory that she dreaded.

Her father, back when she was 16, was bashing her to the ground for doing a small mistake. A small mistake that apparently seemed like she ended the world to her father.

When her father lashed out on his children, no one was allowed to stop him no matter what.

As Fiona grew up, she noticed how her mother would shout and cry whenever one of her son's would be hit. But when it came to her, her mother was silent at the doorway and her eyes glued to the floor, as if nothing was happening.

That day, marks were placed on her body and that could still be seen. But they were just hidden under her clothes.

She remembered how after her father left the house after beating her with his fists and belt, she laid on the floor staring at the ceiling. She laid silent and her mother thought she was dead until Fiona started to cry and choke on her own tears.

The pain did not produce her tears.

It was humiliation.

She hated it so much that she could still feel all the hate in her bones to this day. She hated herself more though, because whatever her father did to her, she still obeyed him.

Fiona could still hear the smacks and bashes in her head, she could still hear her father's mocking words and she could still hear her cries after. But she could hear her mother's silence the most.

Fiona flinched and rubbed her temples, she couldn't stay at home anymore. But she started questioning herself;

Did she remember that particular memory because she wanted to do the same to her brother for being stupid?

Why was she the one that was always on the receiving end of her father's brutality?

Before she could question herself more and tangle herself, she left the house and made her way to the Corleone household.

The Corleone household was hectic too, as hectic as her mind was back in her apartment. Don was to return to his home, Michael was hit and all the brothers were in the office discussing things.

Carmela told Fiona to enter the office and that they were waiting for her. Fiona instantly hurried to the office, opening the door only to lock eyes with Michael who was sat silently with his cheek bruised and swollen.

A pang in Fiona's heart emerged as she saw his state.

Don Corleone [Michael Corleone] DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now