Chapter Twenty One

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After going around Sicily, sight seeing with Michael, Fiona was left alone in the flat. Michael decided that he had to finish up something but he couldn't tell Fiona what it was.

Yet again, Fiona was all alone with her thoughts that were driving her mad that made her constantly go in circles.

She sat in the bathe, the warm water touching her cold skin as she placed her chin on the edge of the bathtub while her arms laid on her head.

All she could do was think; Why did Michael kiss me?

It bothered her, she needed to know. So, she was going to ask him.

Michael didn't utter a word about the kiss they shared, he pretended that it didn't happen. But without Fiona's knowledge, Michael was indeed flustered and thinking about the kiss too.

How was he going to bring it up to her again? He decided that going out and getting her flowers might make it easier.

He knew it was Cliche but he couldn't help it.

As he made his way back to Fiona's place, he didn't see her laying on the sofa reading her book or on her bed taking a nap, "Fay?"

He called out her name a couple of times but there was still no reply. Her purse was on the table and her shoes were beside the door. She didn't leave.

As Michael started to panic slightly, he looked around only to find her coming out of the bathtub from the slightly opened bathroom door.

She was naked and he knew he should've looked at away. Fiona didn't seem to notice him as she wrapped herself in her robe.

As she turned around towards the door, she saw him. Yet, Michael still didn't look away. He couldn't and he didn't want to.

He expected Fiona to slam the door and refuse to speak to him later on, but he never expected Fiona to calmly walk towards him.

Fiona's eyes glanced down at the bouquet of flowers that Michael carried. A small smile was on her face as her eyes traveled back to his.

Her wet hair made the water drip on the floor, some water managed to get on her face too.

"These are for you." Michael said, not daring to look away. If he looked away, she might disappear into thin air, he thought.

Fiona looked back at the flowers then back at him, "Michael..." She said his name almost in a whisper and Michael couldn't take it anymore.

He placed the flowers on the bed without even looking. Michael approached Fiona and she didn't back away, that encouraged him to be more confident.

He placed his palms on her cheeks and she leaned in more, when he closed his eyes and leaned in to kiss her, he didn't feel the usual butterflies or sparks, it felt just right.

He knew that majority of the time the butterflies and sparks will die off but what he felt at the moment would never die. Not even rest.

Fiona's arms were wrapped around Michael's neck while his hands traveled to her robe's rope to open it. She let him do it.

Michael pushed off the robe off of her body making it fall to the floor, her body was bare again.

Michael leaned back breaking the kiss to look at the detail of her every curve. Fiona didn't feel like he was judging her, she felt comfortable under his gaze.

Michael took in every detail of her body, how pink her nipples were, the size of her breasts to the faint stretch marks that was on the side of her bum to the little scratches she received during the job for the family.

Michael loved all of it.

Don Corleone [Michael Corleone] DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now