Chapter Thirty Seven

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Michael, who didn't pay attention to the newspaper or the men in his father's office, skidded to his bedroom to reveal to his wife what he wanted to tell her. But as he entered the bedroom, the running shower was the first thing he heard. He took a moment to loosen his tie and unbutton his shirt as he inhaled and exhaled to calm himself before exposing himself to his wife.

Michael's white shirt was tossed on the bed as he made his way to the bathroom, unbuckling his belt and dropping his pants and underwear to the floor before joining Fiona in the shower.

At his touch, Fiona flinched but never looked back at him and instantly he knew something bothered her by the simple action.

As his hair soaked in the shower he immediately felt the tension evaporate from his head- he placed a kiss on Fiona's shoulder before wrapping his arms around her stomach only to notice a small bump forming.

"Fay, I have something to tell you." Michael said in her ear, trying to avoid the hitting water that showered over them.

"And what's that?" Fiona's tone was flat as she squeezed the bottle of shampoo in her hand, immediately the coconut fragrance hit Michael's nose.

Fiona didn't turn around to face him as she lathered her hair, he decided to take over and massage her scalp too.

"It's about Marco Castanzo-"

"Oh, wait a minute. I remember now, let's see...two stabs in the abdomen and one last one in the heart- found dead in his hotel room, probably waiting for his mistress?"

Michael internally flinched and when Michael's eyes filled with either guilt, regret or shame  but also curiosity as to how Fiona found out, Fiona continued to speak, "I think you should pay more attention to the newspaper."

While Michael listened intently to his wife, his hands were still in her hair, "I know it was you Michael. Michael, why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me that you were planning something? Who did you ask to do it?"

At his wife's hard glare he didn't want to lie to her and he wouldn't have lied anyway, "Clemenza." Michael replied simply.

"Using a gun means business but a knife means its personal. Trust me, I know." Michael completely trusted Fiona that she was aware of the unwritten rule, she herself lurked in the dark with Roberto and also by herself to get rid of men for Vito. Mainly business, never personal.


"Let me explain." Michael said firmly before turning on the shower to rinse off the shampoo off of Fiona's hair, "I heard news he was looking for you, he knew you were back from Italy. I couldn't take a chance and risk your safety."

Michael swallowed before speaking again, "he also threatened you back in Italy. Did you forget?" It wasn't really a question and Fiona knew it, she clenched her jaw in irritation as she locked eyes with Michael.

"I couldn't risk your safety," Michael inched closer, "and no one threatens my wife."

Fiona was at lost for words under Michael's strong gaze, she sighed loudly before removing Michael's hands from her head, "I'm still mad at you for not telling me sooner and because you didn't tell me that you were planning something."

Fiona moved aside and let Michael go in front of the shower head for his turn and before she exited the shower she informed him that she was going to go visit the doctor soon about her health rather insensitively.

After his confrontation in the afternoon with Fiona in the shower, Michael waited in his bedroom- bouncing his leg up and down.

Fiona was gone for hours, how long could it take to be at the doctor's anyway? But he was soon informed by Tom that Fiona was only with Sandra having dinner at Sandra's home and instantly the man was at ease at the news.

But suddenly guilt swirled in the man's stomach, if Fiona was to go to the doctor, he should've been a supportive husband and went with her- even if she was mad at him.

Another hour of waiting made Michael anxious and he made his way downstairs that was dark and the only light that shined in the house was from the full moon.

Instinctively, Michael made his way to the living room and turned on the lights only to see Fiona curled up on the sofa. Sleeping.

"Can you please turn off the lights, whoever that is." Fiona said as she winced, covering her eyes.

Michael's eyebrows instantly knitted together as a sudden pang erupted in his chest, "why aren't you sleeping upstairs?"

"Because I'm mad at you." The carelessness in Fiona's tone made Michael agitated.

"You're not gonna sleep upstairs?" Michael already knew the answer.


Furious, Michael stormed up the stairs but stopped abruptly- he just couldn't do it.

Fiona opened her eyes at the shuffling sound beside her sofa, as she craned her neck she was met by an uncomfortable Michael on the floor.

"What're you doing?" Fiona was dumbfounded- the only comfort Michael had was his pillow under his head.

"You're not gonna come upstairs? Fine. I'll just sleep here."

"Are you mad? You're gonna have serious back problems when you wake up!" Fiona blinked her eyes in astonishment at the frowning man.

"I'd rather sleep here." Michael said with his eyes closed, hinting to her that the discussion was over.


"I said I'm sleeping here." Fiona scoffed at the man before laying herself on the sofa again, completely ignoring him.

But she couldn't go back to sleep, the air felt awkward with him sleeping on the floor and her resting her body on the sofa's cushions.

After awhile of silence, Michael broke the silence in the dark, "are you still not going to sleep upstairs?"

"Michael if you want to sleep upstairs, go right ahead!" Fiona squealed at the sudden contact- Michael's hand held one of her wrists while his other hand caressed her jaw.

Michael kissed her chest, neck, cheeks and lips in a swift and fast motion that it slightly shocked Fiona, "Fay, I'm sorry. Please sleep upstairs with me."

"You want me to sleep upstairs that bad?" But Fiona's words were suddenly muffled when Michael's warm lips engulfed hers, sending electrifying sensations to travel throughout her body.

Without an answer, Michael scooped Fiona up making her wrap her arms around his neck instantly as he carried her up the stairs to their room.

He shut the door with his heel and locked it with his hand that was under Fiona's back. Michael gently placed Fiona on his side of the bed and hovered over her, kissing her multiple times before catching her lips.

"I'm sorry, Fay. Do you forgive me?" Fiona couldn't help but smile as Michael's eyes grew desperate.

"Yes, Michael. I forgive you." As Michael rushed in to kiss her, she could feel the man smile against her lips.

But Michael remembered a thought of his that lingered in his mind earlier.

"How did the visit to the doctor go?" Michael almost mumbled in her mouth as he didn't want to separate his lips from hers.

A sudden wide smile grew on Fiona's face as her eyes immediately lit up, making Michael curious.

"Michael, I'm pregnant."

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