Chapter Twenty Seven

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Fiona didn't think she was going to be back so fast. After one of Michael's bodyguard tried to "assassinate" her, Michael and Fiona immediately went back to the US.

For some reason, returning back to the US felt melancholic and strange, she only presumed it was because she couldn't see Roberto and Sonny again- things were changing and they'll continue to change, Fiona felt it in her gut.

"Is your knee okay?" Michael was constantly concerned about her injuries, she found it sweet but it slightly got irritating as he kept asking several times.

She scoffed as she shifted her weight on her feet, "you know I used to work for your father right? Threatening and killing men, Michael. Relax, I'm fine." It was true what she said, after Roberto's death, she found herself being surrounded by bodyguards instead of being the bodyguard with Roberto when they had to protect a person for their job.

"You're right, I'm sorry. I'm just worried, that's all." Michael's voice was velvety and elegant that Fiona couldn't stay irritated at him for a long time, Michael laced his fingers with hers as they walked up to their father's house hand in hand.

"Doesn't it feel weird?" Michael looked at Fiona with knitted brows as she watched how she observed her surroundings. "Being"

Michael knew what she meant- it felt weird knowing they wouldn't be seeing Roberto or Sonny again, Michael squeezed her hand and nodded his head in agreement.

"Well I'm so glad to see you two back safely!" As they turned around they saw Tom slightly jogging up to them, excitement etched on every inch of his face like a little boy who bought his first toy car.

"Tommy!" Fiona called out as the man engulfed her in a big warm hug, "its so good to see you again, Tom!"

"Its wonderful to see you," Tom smiled brightly, he hugged Michael next as the two men slapped each other on the back rather loudly.

"Come on, everyone's waiting inside." Tom led the two to the house and they were instantly greeted by cheers.

Vito and his wife, along with his remaining kids and close apprentices were there. Fiona smiled brightly, her eyes roaming thru the crowd only to catch herself looking for Sonny and Roberto. She suddenly remembered how those two knuckleheads were so close that she actually considered that they might've been soulmates.

Michael was smothered by his mother, hugged by his sister and brother, when it came to Vito, Michael kissed his forehead and hand. Soon, it was Fiona's turn too.

"Its good to have you back where you belong." Vito whispered to Fiona just so she could hear him when he hugged her. Fiona hugged him tighter before letting go to greet Fredo who was anxiously waiting to say hello to her.

"Fay!" Fredo said with a nervous chuckle, "it's so great to finally have you back!" Fiona was pulled in a tight hug by the man who buried his face in her hair.

Strange, she always used to braid her hair, but now she let it free.

"It's good to be back, Fredo." Fiona said with a slight smile until she noticed how Fredo took a deep whiff of her coconut fragranced hair.

The rest of the evening was spent with the family together, eating dinner and drinking wine.

When it was late- after midnight- everyone decided that it was time to go to bed including Connie, which Fiona found strange since she always went home to her husband.

Fiona tossed and turn in her bed, uncomfortable for some reason, as if there was something missing. She tried to close her eyes for 10 minutes without moving but found herself restless.

She didn't like how the other side of the bed  beside her felt cold and empty. She was always the one to hog pillows and blankets and sleeping all over the bed but now, it felt horrible. Fiona sighed in irritation as she squeezed her self into a fetus position and hoped that she'll fall asleep out of exhaustion.

Fiona wasn't the only one who was struggling to sleep alone, Michael was facing the same dilemma too. He tossed and turned, sighed and closed his eyes for as long as he could without moving but couldn't find himself able to sleep.

He looked over beside him to the empty spot and realized something he should've known from the start. He couldn't sleep because it was supposed to be Fiona beside him.

He immediately got off the bed and sneaked out of his room, making his way to Fiona's room silently as to not wake the others up.

Before he could knock on Fiona's door, the door suddenly opened and he was faced with a disheveled Fiona.


"Fiona," Michael smiled brightly, "what're you doing awake?"

"I could ask you the same thing." Fiona said with a cheeky grin. "Well I...couldn't sleep." Michael easily confessed to her.

"Me too." Fiona said in a slight whisper.

"I was just making my way to you," Michael leaned again the door way, "where were you going?"

"To you." Fiona said blinking her eyes a couple of times.

"I can't sleep...I think it's because I got so used to sleeping beside you." Michael leaned in towards Fiona more, allowing him to enter the room slightly.

"I was just going to sneak in your room too, so I could sleep." Fiona said with a blush growing on her cheeks, she made way for Michael to enter and immediately she locked the door so no one will interrupt them from their slumber.

The two threw themselves in bed and instantly Michael pulled Fiona towards him, she laid her head on his chest, a content and warm feeling spreading thru her chest as she smiled. Michael too felt relieved as he wrapped his arm around her, closing the lamp light with his other free hand as the two immediately drifted to peaceful sleep.

As the two thought that both of them sharing a bed was a secret, they were wrong. Vito was on bis way to use the bathroom only to see Michael enter Fiona's room.

An instant smile grew on his face as he slightly shook his head. He knew exactly what was between them and he only could imagine what happened between the two in Italy.

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