Chapter Thirty Four

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Michael as usual, woke up before Fiona did, but he took the moment to appreciate her peacefulness. It seemed that the light that seeped thru from the curtains did not impact Fiona at all, Michael began to notice that Fiona was usually a heavy sleeper, either that or she just continued sleeping as she ignored everything else.

Her brown hair laid messily behind her head on the silk pillow as her arms wrapped around another pillow that was between her legs. Another thing Michael noticed, Fiona usually slept in a fetus position or on her stomach as one of her leg would curl up to the side and usually poke his lower back constantly. But, no matter what position she was sleeping in, she always needed to hug something. Either she hugged Michael or a pillow.

With a kiss on the forehead and shoulder, Fiona slightly moved at the sudden touch but she knew who it was, ever since they've gotten married, it was a certain habit of Michael to kiss her when he woke up before she did. But Fiona didn't mind them and hoped that it'd never stop.

Michael made his way downstairs in his robe only to notice the house was rather empty. His father used to be the first one awake in the household, but because he was getting sicker by the day, he tended to oversleep.

When Michael entered the kitchen, he was faced by Fredo with the worst hangover he had, "rough night, Fredo?"

Michael's booming voice made Fredo's head pound harder, as if the coffee he drank would cure it, he took another sip of it.

"How come you're so cheerful in the morning?" Fredo said bitterly with a sour face.

As Michael grabbed a pan out of the cupboard along with eggs and bacon from the fridge he turned around to face Fredo with a slight smirk, "because I'm married to the most wonderful woman, Fredo."

Even though what Michael said was true, he also wanted to test Fredo. When Fredo slightly flinched at his younger brother's words, Michael instantly knew, "yeah...almost forgot about that, Mikey."

"And now I'm gonna make her some breakfast." Michael said as he broke 2 eggs in his hand swiftly.

"Mind making me some?" Fredo said jokingly, realistically he did not want to eat as he felt nauseous, the first reason was because of his headache and the second was because of Michael's marriage.

Michael knew what the first thing Fiona prepared when she woke up- it was preparing some green tea. So, instead of her preparing it he did it for her.

"Maybe some green tea will help you a little, Fredo." Michael poured him a cup and slid it over the table towards him.​

"It's alright, Mikey."

"I insist." Michael nodded his head and his brother obliged.

At the figure that stood in the doorway, both men looked up only to see Fiona entering the kitchen, "good morning boys."

"Good morning, beautiful." As Fredo watched Michael drag his wife in a hug and pecked her lips, he felt that he was gonna puke but tried his best to ignore.

"Good morning, Fay." Fredo simply said, sipping on his hot cup of tea even though it burned his tongue.

"How did you sleep, darling? I made you a cup of tea. Just how you like it." Michael said as he brushed strands of hair behind Fiona's ear.

Fiona's smile instantly fell and her eyes grew wide as a nauseous feeling overcame her, "uh...gimme a second will you?"

Instantly in a blink of an eye, Fiona ran up the stairs back to the room and fly thru the bathroom, only to land on her knees on the bathroom floor and shove her head in the toilet seat.

After gagging and throwing up, she immediately brushed her teeth and drank a glass of water. Michael who followed Fiona upstairs was too late to witness her being sick and Fiona was slightly glad for that.

"Are you alright?" Michael noticed that Fiona suddenly looked pale as she stood there slightly shaking.

"Uh, yeah...I think I'm just getting the cold." Michael didn't buy Fiona's nervous laugh- he immediately dragged her to bed and tucked her in.

"I'm making you some breakfast, just lay here and I'll be up in 10 minutes. Okay?" Fiona nodded at the man as she watched him open the door to let himself out but Vito's cat immediately ran in and jumped on the bed, kneading her belly with its paw as it meowed.

Evening came and Fiona was still in bed and it was time for Fredo to go back to Las Vegas, as his suitcase was shoved in the back of the car he said his goodbye to his mother, sister, father and lastly Michael.

Fredo had this fantasy that Fiona would at least run down the stairs to say goodbye, and as his eyes pinpointed at the staircase, Michael saw the hopeful gleam shimmering in his eyes and he understood it immediately, "Fiona's quite ill. I think she's resting now."

Michael hoped that Fredo would get the hint that she wouldn't say goodbye to him but Fredo, even though he was the older brother, he was rather naive.

"Can't I go upstairs and say goodbye?" Michael slightly shifted to the side to block his brother's way.

"I think she's asleep right now, Fredo. We both want her to get better soon." Fredo sighed silently and nodded his head, hugging his brother once more before leaving.

When Fredo rode the car and Michael watched him leave the property, he immediately made his way to his father's office.

Vito sat behind his desk, his tie wasn't tied around properly around his neck, it was rather loose as his jacket was hung on his leather chair.

"Fredo left? Michael?" His father said as he coughed slightly, to answer him, Michael nodded his head with a little yes.

"Where's Fiona? I didn't see her today." Vito said as he scratched his chin, leaning back on his leather chair.

"She's currently ill, nothing big though." Michael sat in front of his father's desk, leaning back too.

A small smile grew on Vito's face, "ill?"

"Yeah, she has a bit of fever. Since this morning actually." Michael said, his thinking was entirely different from his father's thinking.

Different from Michael, Vito knew exactly why Fiona was "sick" but kept quiet instead of blurting out the truth.

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