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"ugh" Josh says as he gets out of Tyler car. from what the feminine boy has heard from how Josh parents are he didn't wear skirts it any 'feminine' things. he just wore black jeans and a button up. he also had a jacket to keep him from getting sick.

"it's just an hour then we'll leave" Tyler says and they walk up to the front door. Josh knocks waiting for someone to answer. they hears feet coming closer and Josh was nervous. he doesn't want them to think Tyler and him are dating because they aren't.

the door opened and saw a man. not
Jordan but Bill Dun. he saw his son and looked at him in such hatred. he then turned to Tyler making a face.

"you brought more homosexuals! i thought Brendon was enough!" Bill says to Josh.

"he is just a friend dad.. he drove me here we will leave in an hour" Josh says and the man walked away. Tyler and Josh entered the big house. Josh ran up stairs with Tyler with him.
"i usually stay in Jordans room and we all hang in there."

Josh knocks on the door and hears a come in. when he opens his door they got in quickly closing it. Josh knew his mom will come up and he didn't want her meeting Tyler anytime soon. she is almost as worst as his dad. she somewhat is more calming to the fact that he is bisexual.

"Josh!" Jordan ran to him hugging him for a while. "and you are?"

"Tyler," he shakes his hand. "one of Josh's friends."

"okay i met loads of Josh's friends so you're gonna have go be more descriptive then that" Jordan says laughing and Josh shoves him playfully.

"Tyler is just a friend idiot! anyways where's Abby? she is the one that told me to come" Josh says sitting on the bed. Tyler took the chair that was in the room just listening to the conversation.

"she's out with her boyfriend. can you believe that! she is almost fifteen and she think she is so grown! my parents are just happy she is straight so they give her anything" Jordan rolled his eyes.

"what do you mean?"  Josh says smirking knowing Jordan is trying to say something. Tyler soon got on to what is happening.

"i-i think im bisexual but also gay. i dont know yet and ugh" Jordan laid on his bed. "if you are friends with Josh then this shouldn't make you you uncomfortable that i am gay or bi right?"

"trust me kid i am the most gayest person you have ever met" Tyler says laughing. Josh nods agreeing with his friend.

"i just dont want my parents on my back about how 'i have caught the gays' " Jordan had use air quote on the last part. Josh rolled his eyes laughing even more.

"remember when they were kicking me out and they screamed, get out! everyone shower we might have caught the gays"Josh says shaking his head.

"they made me show for a long time just because of that. i hated you for like five minutes but i knew thats who you are nothing was gonna change that and you were born like this" Jordan says and then looks at Tyler. "what about your family?"

"they are actually supportive of me but some people in the family aren't. that made it hard for everyone. meaning at some parties we weren't invited because of who i am but my parents didn't care they love me for me" Tyler says and Jordan nods.

"only some of us are so lucky" Jordan says and Josh sighs. his brother is right some people aren't as lucky as Tyler or even as lucky as Josh. they kicked him out sure but they didn't beat him. no matter how much they didn't like who he loves they wouldn't lay a finger on him.

"what time did abby leave? ill only be here for an hour" Josh says and Tyler frowns. he was hoping that they could stay longer since it looks like Jordan missed him.

"um maybe three hours ago? she said they were gonna shop and watch movies. hope she doesn't get pregnant" Jordan says and Josh rolls his eyes.

"i would kill her boyfriend and her" Josh says and Jordan nods.

"Ashely told me that she met him.. she also said he is good to her and they are gonna get married. i hope she's right because Abby is all happy and in love with him" Jordan says and Josh stays quiet. the mention of his dead sister saddens him. he didn't want to cry in front of them.

"hopefully its before she gets pregnant" Tyler says changing the subject and the two boys laugh.

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