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thats all Brendon hears. he looks at his friend that is laying on the hospital bed. he looked lifeless which made Brendon tummy turn. he had texted Tyler a thank you for warning him and that he is okay. brendon didn't like how he was a little late and the ambulance had to come. Joshua's phone keeps ringing with text from Tyler.

Brendon felt bad that he didn't say anything to him but he knows Josh wouldn't want Tyler to know he went through to his plans. Brendon didn't know who else to call so he called Dallon. he has been getting close to Josh lately and Brendon is glad. Dallon was on the other side looking as nervous as Brendon.

"Joshua Dun?" the doctor said and i nodded. He checked the tubes and the papers of josh and looked up at me with a weak smile.

"you got him in time if he was there longer he couldn't have done way worse. Josh has a concussion but should be fine. he will wake up soon when he eases down a bit. also my nurses have caught his heart problems-"

"what heart problems?" Brendon asked curious on what the doctor had said.

"when Josh was born he had a hole in his heart and he grew out of it so he doesn't have it anymore but still gives him pains which causes his anxiety but his heart problem that he is dealing with is different. this one is more of an emotional reason" the doctor cleared his throat. "we call it broken heart syndrome. technically he has muscle failure mostly caused by emotional trauma."

"oh yeah makes sense but is he okay?" Brendon asked and the doctor looked at his papers and nods.

"he should be but when he is back home keep a eye on him. not just because he committed but because of the broken heart syndrome. he can die if something goes wrong" he said and walked out. Brendon sighed as Dallon rubbed his back.

"maybe we should call Tyler or Ryan" Dallon said and Brnedon just shook his head.

"no we can't call neither because then Tyler will be sad again. if i call Ryan he will most likely tell Tyler which isn't good" Brendon says and Dallon nods.

"so now we just wait?"

"yes and i really hope he doesn't wake up forgetting Tyler like those stupid fanfics!" Brendon said and Dallon nods.

"not admitting that i read them but i will be pissed if it happens like fanfics" Dallon said and Brendon chuckled shaking his head.

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