Dream come true

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Changkyun was walking up the stairs to meet his new roommates.
He just moved to Seoul after he got accepted by a company. They told him that he would first get to know everyone else before they all would start training together.
He was the fourth to arrive at their new home and as far as he knows all of them just entered the company just like himself.
They were kind of a project where they would all go through their training period together. Start together. Debut or fail together. He was excited because he believed that all of the other boys would have a lot of fighting spirit, so that they would debut as a group.
The only things he knows is that he's the youngest with his 19 years, there were 5 vocalist and one other rapper like himself. Three of them are also very confident in dancing, the thing that Changkyun was the most afraid of.
It wasn't like he couldn't dance but he also wasn't the best.
What if all the others would learn choreographies super fast and he would take forever?
He hoped the others would be nice and accept him from the start. Normally he wasn't an outgoing type but he really wanted this to work. It was his dream and he hoped it would come true.
He knocked on the door of the apartment after he walked up the stairs until he was in the third floor because he hasn't got a key yet.
A tall guy opened the door. He was very thin but still looked good with his black hair, plumb lips and big dark eyes. He smiled at Changkyun but not because he regconized him. He was more in a sleepy state where he would probably even smile at a murderer.
"Hey, you are...?", the tall guy asked and Changkyun was suprised by his soft voice. He probably was a vocalist.
"Lim Changkyun. I'm the rapper", he introdruces himself and bowed to greet the taller boy.
"Oh! Hi, I'm Chae Hyungwon, vocalist and dancer", Hyungwon said and bowed too.
"Come in. I'll introdruce you to the other two."
Changkyun did as he was told and follows Hyungwon inside.
"Hey guys, the second rapper is here", Hyungwon says when they enter the kitchen. It was a small room but still pretty in Changkyun's opinion.
"Hello, I'm Lim Changkyun", he introdruces himself to the two guys. One of them was making tea while the other looked up from is phone.
"Hi, I'm Lee Minhyuk, vocalist", the one making tea introdruces himself and smiles at Changkyun. He had brown hair and his goofy smile made Changkyun feel like he's home in some kind of way.
"I'm Lee Jooheon, rapper and not related to this guy there", the other says. He grinned and his dimples showed. Changkyun was glad he had such a friendly guy as his rap partner from now on.
"Come sit down. I just made tea. You want some?", Minhyuk asks and puts down a tea pot and some cups.
He does as he was told and sits down in front of Jooheon.
"So...then there's only three left and we're complete?", he asks while Hyungwon gets some snacks from the fridge.
"Yes, another vocalist arrives in like half an hour and the other two tomorrow", Jooheon explains.
"I still don't understand how this can be true..."
"Trust me, I can't either but I'm so happy it is", Jooheon says and pats him on his shoulder.
After that they don't really talk a lot. They just sit there in comfortable silence and drink their tea.
Changkyun was glad that it wasn't awkward between them. It felt like they could sit like this forever without talking and no one would bother to say a word or break the silence in another way.
The silence was finally broken by a knock on the door.
Probably the vocalist!
Hyungwon stands up to open the door. He probably was the first that arrived and it was kind of a ritual for him to be the first one to greet the newbies.
After about ten minutes Hyungwon gets back followed by a tall guy that had a lot more muscles than Hyungwon.
"Hello, I'm Son Hyunwoo, vocalist and dancer", he interdruces himself.
Everyone interdruces themself to the new guy and they sit down on the big sofa in the living room.
"How old are you two?", Minhyuk asks.
"19", Changkyun answers.
"I'm the youngest as far as I know." They really haven't talked a lot yet.
"I'm 23 and the oldest. At least that's what they told me", Hyunwoo answers.
"Did one of you continued ageing?"
Everyone was silent.
The soulmate system was cruel.
You age until you're 18 and stop until you find your soulmate, so you can grow old with them.
Changkyun has already heard about people killing themself because they didn't want to live anymore. These people were up to 120 years old.
"No", everyone said at the same time.
"We should get something to eat. How about chicken?", Hyungwon asks and of course everyone agreed.
Changkyun could feel his dream come true.
Piece by piece.

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