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Minhyuk's gaze wanders over the city. When he arrived here with Hyungwon as the first he quickly found this beautiful place up on the roof. It was easy to get here and since then it had been the place he went to when he has to be alone or has to think about something.
Hyungwon was the only person who knew about this and he respected that Minhyuk needed this little space decorated with flowers for himself, so he never came there when Minhyuk sat here, his feet slightly hanging of the edge.
Just now he needs some time by himself once again. He has to sort out his thought and feelings that are going crazy for the past two weeks.
He had started to feel things that he couldn't understand. Feelings that he never really felt before and he's confused about them.
He hated it. That he didn't knew what these feelings he had for Hyungwon meaned. Why did he feel so good whenever he was with Hyungwon? Why did he want to hold Hyungwon close? Why did he want to kiss him?
Tears sting in his eyes and he wipes them away angrily.
Minhyuk looks over his shoulder only to see the person of his thoughts coming up on the roof.
"I know this is your place but I have to talk to you."
Minhyuk nods as a sign of allowance for Hyungwon to sit down.
"What is it?"
It was such a cliché that right at the moment when Minhyuk was thinking about him, Hyungwon appeared.
"It's about us."
Minhyuk's heart stops a beat.
"W...what...what do you mean?", Minhyuk stutters. He was never like that. Never nervous or didn't knew what to say. He hates this feeling!
"Minhyuk, you know what I mean. We can't ignore that", Hyungwon starts.
"We arrived here as the first and we got friends quickly but there's also something different about us.
I feel good around you. Happy and it feels like home when you hug me.
It's like I belonging your arms and you in mine. I know it sounds cliché but that's how I feel.
You became so important for me.
And I don't even know if you feel the same..."
Minhyuk keeps silent.
Hyungwon was right. He felt the exact same things but he doesn't know how to put it in words even though it was his weapon. He was great with words and able to get everything he wanted by just saying the right thing to certain persons but now he wasn't even able to form a proper sentence.
"Hyungwon, I-"
He really didn't know what to say and it drives him crazy that he can't tell the other how he feels.
Actions speak louder than words.
Minhyuk doesn't see another way, so he lays his hand in Hyungwon's neck, pulls him closer and connects their lips into a sweet kiss.
Hyungwon doesn't move for a while. He's too shocked to understand what was happening right now. Of course he imagined Minhyuk kissing him before but in reality it was much better than in his dreams.
That's when he notices that he still isn't kissing back, so he snaps out of his shock and starts to move his lips against Minhyuk's.
Hyungwon's hands wander over Minhyuk's chest and grab onto the thin material of his shirt.
They don't want to part from each other and keep pulling each other closer even though there's no space left between them.
In the end they have to break the kiss to breath but they stay in each other's arms and lean their foreheads together.
"Minhyuk, I think I love you", Hyungwon breaths out while they stare into each other's eyes.
"I love you too."
Minhyuk smiles. He never felt that happy before. Never felt such feelings as he does right now: excitement, love, lust. He felt like home.
"I know what you mean. Your arms feel like home too", he says and leans his head on the taller's shoulder.
They stay like that and watch the sky changing colours and the stars appear before they decide to go back into the dorm and sleep.
The little place on the roof isn't only Minhyuk's anymore. It's his and Hyungwon's.
It's their little place.
Their place where they can watch the sky above them and where they can ly in each other's arms. Where they can feel like home.
And it's the place where they shared their first kiss.

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