The men in white

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It was around 10pm when Wonho asked him to go for a walk infront of their dorm. "Just a little bit. Enjoying the clear night air", he said and threw Changkyun's jacket at him.
"Why so suddenly?", Changkyun asks when they go out the door.
"Because I have to get over Chuck, okay?!"
"It was sad but come on. At least Newt didn't die."
"As far as I know he does in the last book", Changkyun teases him.
"I hate you!"
"No, you don't."
Both of them laugh and jump down the stairs. Wonho won their little race and shouts triumphantly.
"I won! I won!"
Again they both laugh. They have to catch their breaths and Wonho takes Changkyun's hand when they start walking down the street.
"I love you", Wonho suddenly says.
Changkyun heart skips a beat and looks at Wonho with wide eyes.
"Wha-what?", he stutters.
"I mean it, Changkyun, I love you."
They stop walking and Wonho takes Changkyun's face in his hands. Slowly he leans down, so he can see if Changkyun really wants this, and then he kisses him. It's slow and gentle. Wonho doesn't force Changkyun into anything he doesn't want. Changkyun is the one deepening the kiss through wrapping his arms around the older's neck. Wonho breaks the kiss and leans their foreheads together.
They stay like that for a few minutes before Changkyun breaks the silence.
"I love you too."
Without knowing why tears start to build in Wonho's eyes.
"I have to tell you a lot of things, Changkyun. I did alot of bad things in my life. A lot of things I regret and most of them have to do with you-"
"Wait! what?", Changkyun interrupts him.
"Changkyun, we...we already met before. We're soulmates."
Changkyun didn't know how to react. How could Wonho know that?!
" do you know."
"Because...because when I first met you I killed you in an accident. We were so happy together and...and then it just happened so fast and because that accident was my fault you were reborn. I'm so thankful that I found you after all this time but I'm so guilty."
"It''s okay." Changkyun was suprised by his own reaction. He didn't care about Wonho's past.
"And that's the truth? That's what you were so afraid of telling us?", he asks.
"Yes. Yes, I thought you would hate me", Wonho answers but Changkyun still didn't believe that Wonho told him everything.
"You don't have to be anymore", Changkyun tells him.
"I love you and we're finally together. Isn't that what counts?"
Wonho nods and smiles.
"Let's go home. It's getting cold."
Changkyun nods and leans closer when Wonho puts his arm around his shoulder.
"It's a beautiful night."
Wonho and Changkyun both look around only to find a man wearing a white suit next to them. He was pretty old and the couple smiles.
"Yeah, it's really beautiful."
The man fixes his tie and nods.
"I love to see young couples like you. Soulmates?", he asks.
Changkyun shyly nods while Wonho answers proudly: "Yeah, we just found out."
The men nods again. At first he seemed friendly but now he acted really weird.
"I really have to apologize to you two. Changkyun, Wonho, you have to come with me."
"Wha-?!" Changkyun doesn't have a chance to react. Someone grabs him from behind and suddenly around a dozen men in white clothes come out of nowhere. Wonho fights back with a power that Changkyun didn't thought the blonde male had. Wonho's technique of fighting was incredibly good but more and more men in white came and hit him with their fists or a weapon Changkyun couldn't see what it was.
"Stop! Who are you!?", he shouts when Wonho sinks to his knees.
"Don't fight back, Changkyun", Wonho says and gets hit on the head by one of the men. He passes out.
Changkyun's face is wet from tears he didn't noticed until now. The man in the white suit comes over to him and smiles sadly.
"You'll understand, Changkyun."
"What?! What will I understand?!"
The man laughs and looks at the unconscious Wonho.
"The truth. The truth about you and Hoseok, or Wonho how you call him. There's a lot you don't know. We're only here to help."
"You beat him to unconsciousness!! How can you call that help!?"
The man doesn't laugh this time and doesn't answer either.
"You know what to do", he tells his men and a second later Changkyun feels a sharp pain at his neck. They're injecting something into is blood.
Everything starts to became blury and the last thing he sees is Wonho before everything went black.

I just noticed that if I had started to upload this story like a week later I could have uploaded the "Happy birthday"-chapter on Minhyuk actual birthday...😕

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