The balcony scene

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It was cold outside as Wonho was blowing the white smoke into the night air.
It's not that he smokes often but since he's here he's more stressed and the legal drug kinda helped him to relax.
Except Changkyun and of course Kiyhun none of the members knew he was smoking. It's better that way.
"I knew I'd find you here."
Wonho turns around to look at the younger and smiles.
"Why?", he asks.
"Because you smoke when you're stressed."
Wonho nods. How could Changkyun already know this much about him? Maybe it was fate. Wonho wasn't sure. He was afraid to be honest. He was afraid of his feelings, afraid to hurt Changkyun again, afraid to be like his brother again.
"We should film some funny video here someday", Changkyun says and leans against the barrier next to Wonho.
"Like the balcony scene?"
"Don't tell me you read 'Romeo and Julliet'"
Wonho laughs quietly. He already forgot.
"I helped Shakespeare writing it", he answers. "The balcony scene was my idea."
Changkyun stays silent in shock. He really forgot how old I am, Wonho thinks.
"I totally forgot how old you are."
Wonho laughs once again and throws away his cigarette.
"It's good you did. It still has to be a secret."
"Just now you laughed and I actually wanted to tell you to laugh more but you have to become serious again", Chankyun complains and shakes his head.
"This is so typical you!"
Wonho nods. He can't say anything against it. Changkyun was right. He couldn't stay relaxed for a long time. He knows why tho. It's because of his past. Oh, how much he hopes Changkyun will never find out about that.
"We should really film a balcony scene", Wonho says and walks back inside.
The others were asleep already, so he gets himself something to drink and wants to go to bed too but something stops him.
He turns back around and finds Changkyun still standing on the balcony. He walks over to the younger and turns him around before he places his lips on Changkyun's.
The younger is suprised and doesn't know what to do until Wonho break the kiss.
"I'm sorry but I had to do this now", Wonho breaths out and kisses him again.
They kiss for a while. None of them knowing what this means for them now but it feels good.
"Wonho?", Changkyun asks when they part.
"Good night, Changkyun", Wonho simply says, kisses him once again and walks away.
He leaves Changkyun perplexed and confused on the balcony.
Changkyun's fingers shoot to his lips, touching them anf recalling what just happened.
Changkyun takes a shaky breath and starts crying.
Wonho is already in his bed. Tears wetting the pillow.
Why did he do this?
And why did it feel so right?

Sorry that this comes a day late but I was sooo busy yesterday that I forgot about it :(

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