The plan

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"Then tell us! What is the big plan?! How do we cover up Changkyun's death?!", Minhyuk shouts. He was so tired of this. He was happy, for God's sake. Why does everything have to break down now?
He had a great relationship with Hyungwon even though they're sure they aren't soulmates. They love each other and that's the only important thing. The training went well too. They had released dance and vocal covers and their agency was starting to plan their debut but they can forget that now.
"We'll have to leave the country. Wonho and I still have the house in Boston as backup. We can go there. We're not going to tell anyone that were leaving", Kihyun explains.
"We're gonna take the next flight that we can catch to Boston."
"How the heck are we gonna afford this?!", Shownu asks. Minhyuk was suprised Shownu would have concerns. He thought because they're soulmates Shownu would takes Kihyun's side no matter what.
"We're very old guys", Kihyun starts.
"I'm over 100 years and Wonho over 400. We have alot of money."
"Of course you do! But you know what?! I don't fucking care! Changkyun is dead and-don't deny it- it's your fault, Wonho! We're all in this now! You know what that means!? We have to give up on our dreams, leave our families! And you two just do what you always do!" Hyungwon exploded. Minhyuk has never seen him like this. He was shouting at Kihyun and Wonho and Minhyuk slowly stood up to embrace the taller into a hug.
Hyungwon calms down and starts to cry.
"This is all too much!", he sobs into Minhyuk's shoulder.
One after one. All of them stood up to join the hug.
First Jooheon. He hated it to see people cry and he was crying the whole time himself, so the hug helped him to calm down too.
Then Shownu. He took all three of them into his arms and for sure could fit the whole band in them. He didn't cry but not because he wasn't sad or totally shocked. It was his way of dealing the situation.
Third was Kihyun. He wraps his arms around Shownu's waist and leans his head against Jooheon's shoulder.
It takes a while for Wonho to join too. He feels like he didn't deserve the hug but it's Hyungwon who pulls him in.
"I didn't mean it like that", he sobs into the older's neck and Wonho's tears blury his vision.
"It's okay. It is my fault", he says.
"We should hug more often", Minhyuk suggests and all of them agree.
"I miss him already", Jooheon says after a while.
"Me too", Shownu responds.
"All of us do", Kihyun says and frees himself from the hug.
"I'm gonna find out when the next flight is. You should start pack your things. Only a small suitcase and only important things. Leave your phones. We'll get new ones."
No one talks back. Everyone obeys and half an hour later Kihyun drives them to the airport.
They take the flight and arrive in Boston in a blur. None of them really realising how the times goes on.
Their lives will go on but they still don't know how to get over their loss.
Kiyhun and Shownu will age and be a perfect couple. Wonho will age and maybe find someone to love but for him it's the hardest. Jooheon will continue to search for his soulmate. Hyungwon and Minhyuk will be a perfect couple even if they aren't soulmates. They belong together. They're sure about that.
But through their lives they won't forget Changkyun.
They'll never forget him.

Next chapter will be the epilogue...

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