Happy birthday!

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Going into the club wasn't something Changkyun liked to do or something he actually did ever because he wasn't even old enough to get into one, so he was pretty upset when the others wanted to go on Minhyuk's birthday and they didn't seem to care that they would leave him behind. To be honest he doesn't think they even thought about him being too young.
While the others are getting ready to go Changkyun sits down in the kitchen and waits for them to notice. They were already half out of the door when Minhyuk jumped back in.
"Aren't you coming?", he asks and smiles brightly.
"I'm 19, Minhyuk", he simply replies and the older furrows his eyesbrows.
"Oh, right!"
The blonde boy purses his lips as he thinks about it.
"We'll get you in anyway. We can't leave you here but we can't not go either!", he exclaims and helps Changkyun to take on his jacket.
"You're the oldest looking youngest I know. I bet they don't even ask for your ID", Minhyuk adds and pushes him out the door right into Wonho's arms.
"Woah! Be careful Minhyuk!", Wonho shouts.
"If I fall I might hurt my beautiful face!"
All of them laugh at them, even Changkyun until he notices that he's still in the older's arms.
"I'm not going, Minhyuk. I don't want to get in trouble", Changkyun says and attempts to step back into their dorm.
"But we can't leave you here alone! You'll be lonely and sad and lonely", Minhyuk says and pouts.
"Come with us as my birthday present, okay? We'll get you into the club-"
"Minhyuk, I think he's right", Kihyun interrupts him.
"If he gets in trouble all of us get in trouble."
Changkyun nods and agreed to stay home. Minhyuk was sad but he seemed to forget about it when Hyungwon told him he would dance with Minhyuk if he would smile.
"I'm gonna stay with him", Wonho suddenly says and earns a 'really?'-look from Kihyun.
"Okay then...can we go?", Minhyuk asks. He tries not to show it but he was sad to leave two of them behind.
"Have fun while we're out or I'm gonna be grumpy and sad tomorrow!", is the last thing Minhyuk shouts before they finally shut the door with a loud thud.
"You don't have to stay with me", Changkyun says.
"You already stayed home when I twisted my ankle."
Wonho shakes his head and takes Changkyun's hand to drag him into the kitchen.
"I don't care. I don't even like clubbing, so let's eat something and watch a movie or something like that", the older male says and searches through the shelves.
"Let me guess: Ramen?"
Wonho nods and puts the pot onto the stove.
"If we burn the house down, it wasn't my fault", Changkyun states and finally starts to help Wonho to cook.

"What movie do you have in mind?"
Both of them had a bowl of Ramen in their hands sitting in the living room. If Kihyun would see them he would kill them.
"I don't know. There's Maze Runner, Transformer and Inferno."
"Maze Runner sounds good", Wonho answers.

Sorry that it's so short but the next one will be longer...because the next one's more important.

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