Chapter Eight

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The sunlight filtered through the bedroom as Clara woke from the best sleep she'd had in days, reliving the fun her and Colt had the night before. She rolled over to reach for him but to her dismay the bed was empty. Judging by the coldness of the sheet he'd been gone for a while, there was a handmade journal propped up on the pillow next to her.

She frowned and sat up lifting the journal curiously, there was a note attached to the front:


Last night was unbelievable, but before we take whatever this is between us further, you need to know the truth about me and what I am. I couldn't allow this to continue without being honest with you. I care too much about you to keep you in the dark any longer.This journal belongs to Heather she is the woman who found you in Hunters-woods.I was with her that night too. This will tell you everything you need to know.I'll understand if you want nothing more to do with me after this, but please know whatever happens I will always protect you with my life.

Colt x

P.s Read this journal with an open mind.

She pulled the note off and placed it on the bedside table, she ran her fingers over the old brown leather covering it, it was rough beneath her touch. She had a feeling once she turned these pages and read it's content her whole life would be turned upside-down.

A shiver ran through her realising she was still naked. A little blush formed on her cheeks remembering everything from the night before. Colt had been amazing what that man could do with his mouth, she had never experienced anything so intense, every orgasm he gave her had made her toes curl.

She got out of bed grabbing her discarded house coat from the floor and put it on covering her modesty. She hobbled to the bathroom, she relieved her bladder and then walked to the sink where she washed her hands, brushed her teeth, and then splashed some water on her face.

Once back in the bedroom she pulled on some sweatpants and a vest top and sat on the bed next to the journal pondering whether she had the guts to read it. Judging by Colts note she had a feeling it wasn't going to be good.

Just read the stupid thing.

She picked it up and turned to the first page.

A picture of a beautiful woman stared back at her.

She had platinum blond hair and the bluest eyes Clara had ever seen. Studying her features for a few seconds, wondering why she looked so familiar, Clara decided she looked like an older version of her sister Emmie.

So, this was Heather, she was stunning, her beauty took your breath away, no wonder Colt was so fond of her, Clara felt a pang of jealousy in the pit of her stomach. Was Colt sleeping with this woman, the thought of him with someone else after what they had done last night, pissed her off.

Born 6th March 1972
Born a white witch.
Taught the old ways from birth.
Resides near Boyne Valley in Ireland
Protector of the Vandran legacy.
Companions: Lucas Walcott 1990-2005(murdered)
Colt Brooker 2006-present

What? Heather was a witch and Colt was her companion, what was a companion? This didn't make any sense.

The rest was written in a language she couldn't understand, but she assumed it was spells or a poem the way it was presented on the page.

Why did the name Vandran ring a bell with her though? She was sure she had heard that name before.

Colt had said it was Hunters-woods where he and this Heather woman had found her, was Heather the chanting woman she had encountered before passing out?

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