Chapter Fifteen

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She had a little skip in her step as she exited the train, for the first time in months she could smile. She knew as soon as she got home she would have to act like her world was still falling down around her, but in this moment, she allowed herself to feel happy. The relief of knowing Clara was alright filled the hole in her heart.

As she walked the short distance from the train station to her home she contemplated the decision she would have to make, the thought of spending anymore time away from Clara after what her sister had endured was heart rendering, but could she really take Hope away from the life she was used to and go into hiding? Clara had said "it wouldn't be forever" but what danger would they be in if the monster that took her decided he was going to finish what his ancestor started. She chewed on her lip again and tasted blood, she really needed to stop doing that.

She turned the corner into the little cul-de-sac  where she lived and was surprised to see Will's car parked outside her house. He wasn't supposed to be calling until tomorrow after work.

She let herself in. "Hey" she shouted as she entered.

There was no answer.


"Will?" still no answer.

She walked into the front room placing her bag on the coffee table, she left her coat on and went to check the rest of the house.

She found him sitting on her bed holding one of their wedding photo's that she had hidden in the bedside draw. He raised his head as she walked in his eyes were glazed over, he had a strange expression on his face like he had been drinking, this wasn't going to be pleasant.

"Will? What are you doing here?" She asked unable to hide her annoyance

"I need you back Emmie, I need you to forgive me now and let me take care of you, like I always have." He said still staring at the photo.

She couldn't deal with this right now, he had to be kidding, this was typical of Will, everything had to evolve around him, she had wondered how long it would be before the attentive mask slipped, and expose the selfish prick he is.

"I can not do this with you right now Will, my sister is dead and I am barely holding things together. I appreciate you being here for Hope while I've been dealing with everything, but as far as me and you go we're finished." She said trying to stay calm.

"No we're not!" He shook his head his pleading eyes met hers. She wouldn't fall for this bullshit, she had put up with his crap for long enough, just for him to betray her time and time again.

"You were the one who was sleeping around Will, I can't trust you anymore, I don't even think I will ever trust you again." She trembled as she spoke, this day had been an emotional roller-coaster. She knew she should have taken the key from him, how often had he been coming and sitting here? It was down right creepy thinking he had been snooping through her things, she needed him out of here, she had to get Hope from preschool in a couple of hours and the last thing she needed was their daughter seeing him like this.

"I made a mistake Emmie, I am sick of being away from my wife and daughter, I want to come home, you need to take me back." The aggression was rising in his voice.

She had been able to keep her cool with him the last time he did this  to her, she wasn't able to hold it together this time too much had happened. She blew at him.

"MAYBE you shouldn't have screwed around and then MAYBE you would still have a wife. I told you last time you screwed around it would be over, we are done, now get out!" She was seething how dare he.

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