Chapter Twenty-Five

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Colt checked his watch for the tenth time in as many minutes it was two o'clock exactly. Terrance was running late and Heather was supposed to meet them in fifteen minutes. He blew out a frustrated sigh, hoping this wouldn't be a wasted journey.

Clara was waiting in the back of his van with Jake conjuring some spell so she wouldn't have to wear the disguise anymore. He had to give it to her she was adamant about ridding herself of that wig, he chuckled to himself remembering her little tantrum this morning, when he made her put it on.

He was amazed at how much of the spells she had picked up in such a short space of time she was going to give Heather a run for her money at this rate.

A snapping of twigs breaking sounded to his right startling him out of his Clara daydream, he whipped his head around.
Terrance made his way through an opening in the trees, dressed in dark jeans, a dark sweater and a leather jacket, he seemed even bigger today with his clothes on. There was bruising around his right cheekbone and a cut under his left eye, a feeling of satisfaction ran through Colt, knowing he had given as good as he got.

"Sorry I'm late, Miles had me run an errand for him, I swear that dickhead couldn't organise a piss up in a pub." He said with a guilty look on his face.

"You're here now, that's all that matters." Colt said sounding a little shorter than he intended. "I'm just waiting for a few friends to join us one of them has a rough idea of where this place might be, they are all spectrals, so they can help if needed." Colt had told Danny to stay at The Sanctuary, he couldn't risk him getting in the way, being a human Danny was a liability if anything kicked off.

Terrance observed Colt through narrowed eyes. "How the fuck did all your bruises heal over night?" Terrance said a confused look on his face "I know for a fact that eye of yours was closed when you left the club last night."

"I have my sources." Colt said feeling a bit uncomfortable discussing the how's and why's before he knew he could fully trust this guy.

"Who the fuck are you? And how do you have a companion that can perform the healing spell that well? Dominic can't perform it that well and he's a strong fucker." Terrance said looking a little rattled.

He was glad Terrance looked a little scared, if he was playing them then Heather could use his fear to her advantage, this big bastard would be a quivering wreck if Heather didn't like what she saw.

"I hope you weren't going to leave without me." Heathers voice says from behind them in the trees making them both jump and turn around.

"Who's this?" Terrance said with his eyebrows raised, the look on his face said he obviously appreiciated the sight before him. Heather was casually dressed in blue jeans, a black jumper and a black trench coat, Colt knew they would all be designer. Her blond poker straight hair was left down and even without an ounce of makeup on her complexion was still  perfect. Colt could tell she was in one of her usual delightful moods.

"Who I am doesn't concern you doofus, tell him wolfy." She said abruptly looking at Colt. He glared at her stubbornly and then introduced her to Terrance.

"Terrance this is Heather, she's going to conjure a memory sweep on you before we go any further, it's just to make sure you are who you say." He said smiling smugly at a less than impressed Heather.

Expecting an arguement or round two Colt is a little taken aback when he gets no argument from Terrance at all and almost doubles over laughing when he sees the expression on the big guys face, he is smitten and looking at Heather like she's a goddess.

He wasn't surprised, he probably had the same goofy expression when he first met her, she was hot and a bad-ass Cailleach. But after ten years of putting up with her arrogance pet mames and constant resting bitch face, he was immune to her beauty and charm. She just pissed him off most of the time now.

Unfamiliar (Book One: Colt and Clara's Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant