Chapter Eighteen

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Clara and Emmie

Closed eyes and joined hands, fingers entwined as one.

"Goddess of the Earth hear me now,

Bring forth the bonding of souls."

Steady your breathing let our hearts beat in rhythm with each other until they match, let the calm flow over you.

"Bond our souls, bond our hearts, bond our minds, bond our lives"

"Bond our souls, bond our hearts, bond our minds, bond our lives"

"Bond our souls, bond our hearts, bond our minds, bond our lives"

Embrace each other feel our souls colliding feel our hearts beating as one.

A force pushes them both apart and they sit breathless and dazed. Clara is the first to break the silence.


"Are you ok Emmie?" Emmie nods looking dumbfounded.

"I wonder if it worked". Clara says pushing herself up and dusting off her jeans.

Emmie carries on sitting for a minute her face loses colour.

"I feel like I've been hit by a ten-tonne truck". Emmie says closing her eyes "It's difficult to exp-.arghh!".

"Emmie what's up? what's going on?" Clara cries out fear rising for her sister.

Emmie is thrown on her hands and knees grasping at her stomach in agony.

"Clara, it hurts, please it hurts." Emmie lets out a blood curdling scream and her bones start to crack, the sound turns Clara's stomach, but she knows she has to let the spell run it's course, no matter how bad it gets.

"Emmie oh my god it worked...Emmie just try and relax, let the change happen, don-argh!" overbarring heat shoots through Clara's body nearly knocking her off her feet. Her skin feels like it's burning from the inside, the skin on her hands glow orange, she feels like she will burst into flames at any moment.


"Clara" Emmie cries her voice strangled as the metamorphosis taking hold racks through her again. Emmie tries to crawl to Clara who is now frozen to the spot the whites of her eyes are visible and she is swaying with her arms out chanting something she can't quite make out. Another wave of agonising pain rips through her body cementing her to the spot, she feels her flesh tare, her cries of pain turn into a roar of animalistic power, the beast claws it's way out of her skin, and roars again as the transformation is complete Her beast waits for it's companions bidding.

A wave of calming air seems to develop around them.

Clara stops swaying and they stare at each other for what feels like an eternity before they slowly make their way to each other.

"Panthera Tigris" Clara says falling to her knees, taking Emmie lays down with her head in Claras lap, both exhausted.

"You are beautiful, Emmie, my White Tiger, my Panthera Tigris, my sister." Clara says running her fingers through Emmie's soft fur.

Emmie purrs her answer and nuzzles against Clara's face, they are joined in mind body and soul.

We are one now Clara.

"Holy fuck, it actually worked." Colts voice brings Clara's'head up and out of her trance. "Jesus she's a White Tiger, I could sense she was a strong familiar but a Panthera Tigris wow." His voice is filed with awe and excitement. Clara smiles at him lovingly.

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