Chapter Twenty-One

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Clara sat in the back of Colts Van with her back resting against the seats.
The battered mattress still smelt strongly of petrol which she had complained about when they first got in. Colt had reassured her they wouldn't be stuck back here for long, a few hours at the most. Her last experience in the back of this thing hadn't been a pleasurable one and to say she was feeling a little on edge was an understatement she was ready to lose her temper again. 

Sarah had sat next to her and still hadn't snapped out of her weird mood, she was currently sitting hugging her knees stirring into space, she looked a million miles away. Danny who seemed oblivious to Sarah's sombre mood was waffling on about some film he had watched the night before about an alien invasion and how he wondered if aliens existed.

Clara was half listening to Danny for a little while but her mind kept wondering back to the vision she had earlier of little Hope locked in that room, she had looked so scared and tiny in that bed, she couldn't cope with the guilt that ate away at her gut every time she envisioned Hopes little face. They needed to sort out a plan and fast because she wasn't going to leave Emmie and Hope with that evil bastard for longer than she had too, god only knew what that sick asshole would do to them if he decided they were of no use to him.

"We're nearly there, ten more minutes." Colts deep voice vibrated through the van.

"At last." Sarah stated to no one in particular, she kept her head to the floor not making eye contact with anyone.

Clara wanted to quiz her again about what was going on with her but thought better of it, she had more prising issues to worry about than consoling a moody teenager, who wasn't interested in discussing  what was bothering her. Clara's patience was wearing thin and Sarah's bad attitude towards everyone wasn't helping. She had to focus on contacting Emmie and coming up with a plan.

As soon as Colt turned the engine off Sarah was the first up and waiting by the door, Danny glanced over at Clara his eyes full of worry and unspoken questions, Clara just shrugged and offered her best reassuring smile. Danny obviously knew not to push the issue with Sarah either.

Jake pulled open the van doors, the fresh air was welcoming after being stuck inside this tin can for two hours.

Jake offered Sarah his hand but she ignored it and jumped down barging past him and striding off, he looked a little hurt at her brush off.

"Just leave her Jake she's got a bee in her bonnet over something, she'll talk when she's ready." Danny said "here help an old fella out will ya." He said grabbing Jakes shoulder to jump down.

"She's been in that mood since we left Liverpool." Clara said "It started after me and Emmie bonded, you don't think she's upset that I didn't do the bonding spell with her do you?" Clara said looking between Danny and Jake.

"She knows why you had to do the bonding spell with Emmie, it couldn't have gone any other way, I don't think it's that Clara." Colt says walking from around the side of the van making them all turn in his direction. "I think all of our emotions are running high and she's dealing with it her own way." He says grabbing Clara around the waist to lift her from the van. He didn't let go when her feet were firmly on the ground.

"Hey you didn't try and headbutt me this time." He says laughter in his eyes.

"There's still time, wolf boy." She says and he tickles her sides making her squeal.

Colt was probably right about Sarah, she would be fine soon, they all would.

Clara was impressed with Heather's choice for the safe house, the old cottage oozed history and had most of it's original features, she was currently admiring the big old fireplace in the sitting room. The place had been recently renovated and extensions had been added to the side and back of the property to add more bedrooms and living space. It lay on two acres of farming land and was hidden behind a big old Mill, she could envision herself living here.

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