Chapter Nineteen

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Jake zipped up his coat and paced the dimly lit dock.

The wind was cold and seeped right through the two layers he was wearing, he knew he should have put a t-shirt under his jumper like his mum had told him too.

She was supposed to be with him but some new guests had checked into The Sanctuary this morning, so Danny had come with him instead and was sitting in the van keeping a look out. He would have much preferred his mum with him. It wasn't that he didn't like Danny, it was just that he wasn't sure how Danny would cope if any trouble went down. He had been taught to fight and could handle himself well, Colt and his mum had made sure of that from the moment he could walk. But Danny was only human and probably wouldn't do well against an attack by one of their kind.

He looked across the dark water and then down at his watch, it was a little past eight o'clock, he was sure they should be here by now.

He headed back to the van to grab the phone, he had forgotten it before and Colt might have text.

They had parked behind some metal containers out of sight, he walked around the side of the container and walked straight into someone coming around the opposite way, Jake immediately grabbed the assailants jacket with both hands, ready for a fight he only let go when he realised who it was.

"Jeez man you scared the shit out of me, you shouldn't be walking around in the dark...Lucky it was just me or you could have been killed" He said breathlessly, his heart pounding. He was normally good at sensing when someone was coming, he was anxious and that was playing havoc with all his senses he needed to give his fucking head a wobble, he was no good to Colt if he couldn't even detect Danny coming around a fucking corner.

"Sorry Jake, your phone has been blowing up with an unknown number." He said.

Danny passed the battered mobile phone over to him, Jake noticed the shake of his hands as he took the phone, the fright had rattled him as well.

"Thanks man, it's actually Colts spare phone, he told me not to answer numbers we don't know, in case it's a job. I was just heading back to grab it in case Colt or Sarah had text."

Danny's eyes darted everywhere, as if he was expecting danger.

"Hey man are you alright?" Jake asked.

"Yeah, just be glad when we're back at The Sanctuary. I'll go back to the van now, I am sure they won't be much longer. Maybe give them a quick call see if they're close."

"Yeah, will do, stay safe man." Jake said before heading back towards the dock.

"You too Jake." Danny mumbled before disappearing back around the container.

He felt sorry for the guy, but he had to get his head out of his ass if they were going to be doing shit like this together, they couldn't afford any fuck ups, and his nerves were already shot.

He looked at his watch again it was now 8.10, why did it feel like he had been waiting here for hours? As if someone had heard his thoughts

the phone in his hand buzzed with an incoming message.

10 minutes.


He had time to head back to the van to let Danny know, he knew Danny would be relieved to know Sarah was nearly home. And if he was being honest with himself, he was excited to see Sarah again as well, he had missed her the last few days. They had become really close friends and had been pretty much inseparable the last few weeks.

She was gorgeous, sassy and could talk without coming up for air at times, he loved the way the excitement vibrated off her whenever they were fooling around and the little squeals she made when he made her jump... Who was he trying to kid? He fancied her like mad but as much as he wanted to there were some lines he couldn't cross and their friendship meant more to him than anything. 

His wandering mind was soon pushed back into focus as he neared the container. There was an uneasy feeling, something seemed off.

Jake sniffed the air to see if he could pick up a scent of anything suspicious. He got nothing, maybe he was just being paranoid, it had been a long couple of days and tensions where running high.

He walked around the side of the container eyes darting in every direction. The van came into view, Jake let out the breath he had been holding on to when he saw Danny sitting in the passenger seat, as he got closer he realised Danny wasn't moving, there was something wrong. He sat his eyes as wide as saucers, stirring into the dock yard. Jake followed Danny's line of vision but couldn't see anything.

He pulled the door of the van open.

"Danny?" he half spoke half shouted at him.

No answer

"Danny. What's going on man?" He said a bit louder this time.

Still no answer.

"Fuck dude, your starting to scare me now, what are you looking at?"

"You don't see her?" Danny said his voice trembled.

"See who. I don't see anyone."

"My Rebecca."

Who the fuck was Rebecca?

shit did this mean they had company?

He scanned the area again still nothing he had to let Colt know.

Jake took the phone out of his pocket and sent Colt a quick text.

Not safe

He quickly pressed send and kept hold of it in his hand in case Colt called.

What now?

The air around him seemed so much heavier, he looked around again using all his senses to try and detect something.


"Danny, you need to get a grip man, Sarah's coming, you're going to worry her." Danny's head snapped around like he had just been slapped.

"Sarah's here?" Danny was as white as a sheet.


The phone is his hand vibrated making him jump.

Colts name flashed across the screen.

Jake answered on the second ring.

"Hey Colt."

"Jake, are you ok? what's going on?"

"Danny saw someone, someone called Rebecca, there's nobody here but he was in a trance and white as a sheet, he freaked me out. I Thought we had company, but I can't even pick up a scent." Jake says his nerves making him talk fast.

"I don't like this Jake Who the fucks Rebecca?" Colt growls.

"Well I've never heard Sarah mention..."

"She's my daughter from my first marriage, she died before I met Sarah's mum." Danny interrupts his voice full of sadness.

"You get that?" Jake said to Colt.

"Yeah, still don't like it, it could be one of The Masters tricks, are you sure you have you used all of your senses?"

"Yeah, there's nothing. The only thing that feels weird is how heavy the air is on this dock, like it's going to rain but the sky is clear."

"Fucking Heather...It's a cloaking spell, she must have timed it to work when you guys got there, it can make people without the spectral gene act weirdly and hallucinate. Good job buddy, you're learning to trust your gut. Come meet us and bring Danny, we're about to dock."

Right guys meet Jake,

 He will possibly become a big character in another book I have planned.

Let me know what you think of him.

Please vote on this chapter if you enjoyed it. <3 much love

Unfamiliar (Book One: Colt and Clara's Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin