Chapter Twenty-Nine

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They had all sat round for the last few hours trying to come up with a plan, they were all too wired to sleep after the evenings events. Terrance had left just after they got back, he had received the inevitable call from Miles ordering him to Perdition to deal with a "situation". She had helped Iris set up the cabins for the girls, Iris had retired for the night and Danny hadn't emerged from his cabin, she assumed he was already asleep when they got back, it was pretty late.

After talking to most of the girls it became apparent that all of them were either orphans or had been adopted when they were younger just like her and Emmie, all of them didn't have any parents left and they had all gone through blood and urine tests like her. All of the women who had been locked in that awful place were snatched as part of an elimination process, the ones who looked more like Annabelle had suffered less than the others.

One of the girls had told her there had been about forty women at one point, but they had been moved, she didn't have any faith that they would still be alive, after what she had witnessed earlier, but she didn't say anything, these women had been through enough.

She had performed the transformation spell in the kitchen turning back into herself.
Jake had pretended to be surprised but she had an idea he was bluffing and had known all along who she was.

Now Clara knew she could trust Terrance she would introduce herself to him and the girls tomorrow as herself, the least people who knew about her ability the better, Annabelle would re-surface when she needed her.

Clara had headed upstairs when she had heard Emmie's voice in her head, she was still reeling from their conversation as she headed down the stairs.

"Emmie's with Dominic" Clara said walking into Iris's kitchen.

"Is she alright?" Colt asked a look of concern on his face.

"She said something weird, that I can't shake off, she said Dominic didn't mean us harm, he is being double crossed by Juliet and Miles and he didn't agree with what his father had done to our family." Clara stated taking a seat next to Colt, he turned so he faced her and placed his hands on the top of her legs rubbing softly. His warmth seeped into her skin and calmed her frantic thoughts, producing other inappropriate thoughts instead, he looked at her like his thought were just as inappropriate.

"Marcus" Heather said randomly, shocking them both, she looked pissed. "I fucking knew it."

"Knew what?" Clara snapped, feeling very anxious at what Heather was going to say next.

"He's the one who killed your father, I was certain of it, but he had an alibi, and I couldn't prove anything, we can't be in two places at- shit." She stood with both hands on the table and looked at Clara, she looked scared.

"Heather what is it? What's wrong?" Clara asked feeling very uneasy.

"He has a humanoid familiar, it's the only way, he could be at two places at it's not possible, they died out...shit" Heather said sitting back down again, she looked like she was battling some demons.

"What the fuck is a humanoid familiar?" Colt asked with a frown the confusion evident in his voice.

All eyes were now on Heather for answers.

"It is not good, it's extremely bad if I am right, I thought they had died out in the last century, they embody the form of their companion and depending how strong they are they can embody the shape of other familiars too. They are evil and twisted, some history journals say they were the cause of the damnation of our species, their deceit lead to the burning and torture of many of our kind, they, believed because they could transform into us they were more powerful. If they have a humanoid working for them, we need to find out who it is and kill them." She says with conviction.

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