Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Clara watched as Colt tore at flesh like it was paper, clawing and ripping apart anyone who challenged him or got in his path. Her stomach turned over at the sight of the torn skin and the bones protruding from the wounds of the slain bodies that scattered the floor outside the cave. The strong smell of the blood, which covered the ground in crimson pools made her gag, but she wouldn't allow her weakness to show through, she swallowed it down and took a gulp of air, she had to prove a point to herself and to everyone who believed in her, they had to show Dominic they were serious, she just needed to get it into her head that all these men were not innocents, they had all raped, tortured and murdered countless women in the name of the Domini Bellatorum, they were facing their own karma.

She had learnt a few spells to ward off attackers and restrain them but non-that would kill them, she had wanted to follow in Annabelle's path and just become a healer but at this moment in time she was regretting that decision, as one of Dominic's men grabbed her arm and brought his fist into her left cheek, she felt the swelling straight away. No way was this fucker going to get the better of her.

Her fighting instinct kicked in and she swiped her assailants leg from under him sending him toppling over, he let go of her arm in his panic, she brought her fist into his nose feeling the bone crunch.

She was about to throw a kick to the side of his head when Jake in all his grizzly glory pounded over swiping at her attackers chest, killing him instantly. The blood oozed out of the slash marks, his rib cage now visible. She had to turn her face away for a second to compose herself before looking to Jake, who looked like he was waiting for a comand from her, she smiled at him.

"Thanks Jake". She said.

He growled his response and left her bounding off to help Colt who was currently snarling at another man. Terrance was battling with someone else his teeth were buried into their arm about to tare it off.
She looked around for Heather and spotted her heading towards her, so she decided to walk ahead.

The door at the entrance of the cave was ajar and the coast seemed to be clear, she made her way over her eyes darting everywhere, she had to dodge bloodied and dismembered bodies everyone just as gruesome as the last, she tried to avert her eyes but it was difficult without falling over something.
She finally got to the cave entrance and was about to enter.

Clara! There's someone in my house...


Emmie, are you there? Who is it? Emmie, can you hear me?


"Emmie" she screamed feeling so helpless. Everything that had happened recently built like a ball of anger in her gut and without a second thought she stormed into the cave, set on creating a little carnage herself.

Heather caught her up seconds later and pulled at her arm to get her attention her face had a look of despair and panic.

"Clara, why did you scream your sisters name before? What's happened?"

"She has just tried to contact me. Someone is in her house, we lost connection." She really didn't want to discuss this here she needed to find him, she hadn't seen him outside with the others, he had to suffer for the weeks of abuse he had inflicted.

"What's the word for pain or torture?" Clara asked Heather whose face dropped even more at her question.

"Clara, it'll change you."

"I don't care, my sister is in danger and I am in the middle of the place where I was beaten and tortured by some evil asshole I need the words Heather.... Now." She glared at her mother daring her to challenge her.

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