Chapter Thirty

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Where the hell had Clara got to? She had been gone for ages, he was going to have to leave for the club soon with Terrance. He mounted the stairs two at a time and entered her bedroom. The room was empty, he checked his room in case she had decided to go in there, she wasn't in there either. She must have gone to their spot in the woods, he ran down the stairs and grabbed his jacket.

"Just going to get Clara." He shouted to Terrance who was sitting chatting to Iris. He walked across the gravel to the cabins and knocked on Danny's door to see if he wanted anything before they left, there was no answer, Strange, Iris had said, he wasn't answering earlier when she knocked either and she presumed he was sleeping, so had gone for supplies without him.

The guy had been in a sombre mood since Sarah had left, he needed to snap out of it soon though, they needed everyone to pitch in when the shit hit the fan. Deciding to leave Danny for now, he jogged to the gate and climbed over it. He made his way into the trees walking as fast as he could.

Something didn't feel right, the air felt different, he sped up with the sudden urge to reach Clara and quickly. His gut instinct told him there was evil lurking in these woods, his body was in automatic defence mode as he reached the clearing expecting to find Clara sitting there, meditating. She wasn't here, his heart beat wildly in his chest and he sniffed the air, the smell of blood filled his nostrils and he followed the scent to an old tree stump. There was drips of blood on the stump and on the forest floor, he knew the scent of that blood as well as his own.

"Clara!" He roared falling to his knees.

. . .

Her head was banging, she wasn't sure how long she had been unconscious for, she was lying on a carpeted floor blindfolded with a gag in her mouth, her hands and feet were bound.

She was so stupid, why did she have to go into the woods? she hadn't told anyone where she was going. She had left herself open and vulnerable and now she was being taken back to the monster who had her tortured and beaten.

She cried a muffled "Arghh" through the gag tears pooled in her eyes and soaked into the blindfold.

She had to stay strong, she couldn't show any weakness, they thrived on weakness.

A door opened and closed, and someone entered.

"Are you awake girl?" It was Danny, oh thank god they had found her.

She lifted her head and and nodded it was useless trying to speak through this material in her mouth. Relief washed over her and she awaited him untying her but he didn't.

What was going on?

She felt the gag move from her mouth and a bottle of water was put in its place. "Here drink this, they shouldn't be too much longer." Danny said his voice was void of his usual cheeriness. She drank a little, but she needed to question him.

"Danny, what's going on? where's Colt? Where are we?" She pleaded, he put the gag back in her mouth, to quieten her.

"I was forced into this Clara, me and my Sarah were happy and going to make a new life away from this place, but your boyfriend had to involve us in your shitty situation, and now my Sarah is back with them. They were very intrigued when I told Dominic I had someone he'll be interested in, he cut me a deal, you for Sarah. When it comes to choosing between you and my Sarah you lose." He sounded deranged.

Did he not realise he had just fucked them all.

She couldn't believe he was capable of this, he had seen everything they had all been through, he had been through it with them.

Her hurt turned to anger. She tried to chant a spell but there was something blocking her magic.

"It's no use trying that, they gave me something to put in your water, to stop that from happening." He said sounding pleased with himself.



She closed her eyes and tried to focus.

. . .

Nothing. It was like a static sound in her brain, like a radio without a signal. Whatever they had fed her had stopped her magic from working for now.

"Danny please don't do this." She begged through the gag, she felt so helpless.

"I just want my Sarah back." He said, at least she could hear a little remorse in his voice now, but he better hope he was nowhere around when her magic returned, because she would make him pay for putting them all in danger, what the hell had gotten into him?

A phone rang and Danny answered.

"Yeah I've got her, I've brought her to the place you said."

Someone was talking on the other end, but she couldn't make out what they were saying.

"Ok see you in ten minutes."

"Yeah I promise you'll be pleased. Ok..ok bye." She heard him take a shaky breath, he was just as scared as she was.

Ten minutes later there was a knock at the door, she heard Danny open it.

"So what do we have here Danny boy, let me see." A familiar voice sounded sending her blood cold.

No, no, no

Anyone but him. Her skin crawled and bile rose in her throat.

"Shit Danny, you're a fucking miracle worker, so she wasn't dead after all then?"

A sharp pain coursed through her back as she was mercilessly kicked. Her hair was gripped in a tight fist and he lifted her digging his nose into her face.

"Hello whore, did you miss me? The Master will be please we've found you alive, but you're going to be punished for deserting him." He threw her back to the floor again. She refused to shout out even though her arm hurt badly from landing awkward.

"I forgot how strong willed you were... oooh, I will have some fun breaking you." he hissed with venom.

"S-so will Sarah be free to come home now like we discussed Miles?" Danny stuttered, she could hear the fear in his voice.

This was Miles? She prayed her magic returned soon, so she could fuck this prick up.

"Danny, Danny, Danny, you know better than to question what the Master has in store for his girls, you know this, and yet you just keep on pushing. Not cool Danny boy, really not cool."

There's a scuffle. "Please Miles, please I'm all Sarah has left. Please don't do this." Danny sobbed, she tried to free herself but it was useless, the ropes just cut into her skin the more she struggled.

"Sarah has me now, you fat fuck, taste this." Miles sneers, there's silence, all she can hear is a horrible gurgling noise, and then there's a thump like some thing heavy hitting the floor.

"No" She cries through her gag, the tears stream and she struggles some more to try and free herself.

Hands grab her and lift her off the floor, a fist punches her hard in the cheek making her head spin.

"Carry on whore and I'll stick you with this blade as well." He snarls down her ear.

She, stops fighting, she doesn't want to give them a reason to kill her, she lets them drag her outside where she's put into a car, she can feel her cheek swelling, her eyes fill with tears again and she doesn't fight them, her worst fears have come true.

She's so lost.

Only a short chapter, but effective I hope.

That was a shock to the system.

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Happy reading guys

Mucho love <3

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