Chapter Fourteen

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No no no

It had finally happened the madness had set in she was hallucinating Clara was standing right in front of her looking all beautiful and alive, but she wasn't really there Clara was dead.

She takes a step towards her. Fuck. She had heard of people seeing ghosts but this was unbelievable, she looked so real.

 just your mind playing tricks.

She walks to the coffin expecting to see Clara's body laying there.

It's empty.

She looks from the coffin to Clara and back at the coffin again.

"You died y-you died." Everything becomes too much and the devastation of the last week brings her to her knees.

Warm arms wrapped around her, it's the arms of person she never thought she would see again. She clings on for dear life terrified to let go too scared that this was a beautiful dream.

"I am so sorry, Emmie, this was the only way we could get you on your own without them finding me." Clara's sweet voice is like music to her ears.

"My god Clara, it broke my heart into pieces thinking I would never see you again, I haven't stopped looking for you even when they told me it was useless I never stopped...then they told me you died I saw a photograph..your beautiful face was-was". More tears poured down her face as her voice broke again.

"Hey. I'm alright...I am so sorry you had to go through that, you are the last person I would ever want to cause pain, I've missed you terribly Emmie." Clara had tears in her own eyes.

They held each other and cried for all the time they had been separated and for all the pain they had both endured.

Emmie spoke first.

"What happened to you Clara?" She asked

"There's so much to tell you, we've got a room we can go and talk in, Sarah is keeping watch out  front but I don't want to chance anyone seeing us."

"Ok?...You don't know how happy I am to see you Clara, I thought I was coming to say goodbye to you today."  Emmie said fresh tears rolled down her face.

"I know, it was an awful thing we had to do but it was necessary I promise. Come there's a hidden room just through there." Clara said pointing to a wall on the other side of the room.

"Colt we're ready to come in now." Clara said standing up.

She's really here, she's not dead

The wall on the other side of the room slid to the side exposing another room with computers and monitors, on the screens was CCTV footage of all around the building.

Whoever this Colt was finished sliding the wall across and came into view.

It was the ruggedly handsome policeman who brought her the bad news last week her eyes widened.

"You- your" she couldn't get head around all this.

"Yeah sorry about all of this it was the only way we could get you alone without anyone getting suspicious...I'm Colt by the way, the other woman with me was my sister Iris." He offered Emmie his hand to pull her up, she looked at his hand for a second and reluctantly took it not sure how she was supposed to react to all of this.

"Wow, this is all insane." Her whole body was on edge as she followed them both into the room with all the computers.

There was a sofa along the opposite wall which Clara lead her to and she sat down, her legs were like jelly, this was so surreal, her head spun.

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