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Clara stood in front of the full-length mirror in her bedroom at Iris's, she looked at the reflection staring back at her, she didn't recognise herself, her hair was pulled back into a perfectly styled curly bun with loose tendrils that fell against her pale skin, her makeup was minimal but flawless. Her dress was a simple A-line skirt and laced bodice with long sleeves it covered her growing stomach perfectly, Iris had done wonders on the adjustments.

She was only a couple of months gone so her tiny baby bump was only just becoming noticeable, she had never seen Colt more excited about becoming a daddy and she knew he would be amazing when the baby arrived. She checked the white and pink roses in her hair one more time added her veil to the back of her bun, taking a deep breath she turned to face the door.

"You can come in now guys I am ready." She shouted.

Hope rushed in looking so cute in her little pink tutu dress and ballet shoes, she was followed closely by Emmie and Sarah who both looked beautiful in their matching pale pink bridesmaid dresses. Sarah had flown in yesterday taking a break from her trip around Europe to join their special day, she looked so well, it was just what she had needed after everything that had happened with her dad and Juliet.

Emmie gasped at the sight of her little sister and tears formed in her eyes.

"You look so beautiful little sis, Iris did an amazing job on the adjustments to your dress, Colt is going to pop a vein seeing you in this." Emmie stated.

"Aunty Clara is a princess like me." Hope said twirling around making her little ringlets in her hair bounce, all of them laughed at her girlie antics, Clara knelt down and kissed Hope on the forehead. "You're the prettiest princess of them all though." She said to the little girl earning her another twirl.

"You really are beautiful Clara, and your hair is amazing if I do say so myself." Sarah said giving Clara a quick hug. The three of them left to go and join the wedding party, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

The last six months had been amazing for everyone. They were still at Iris's for a few more weeks until their new house was built, it was about a ten minute drive away from The Sanctuary and just as secluded.

Clara had given up her job in the bank and had moved to Dublin to be with Colt. Emmie was considering a move here too, she was currently in talks with a few maternity sections in the local hospitals, and had put her house up for sale, it held too many painful memories for her. They hadn't seen Dominic since that fateful night, he had gone away the day after and they hadn't heard from him, he probably felt like crap for what his family had put them all through, Emmie had seemed a little disappointed that she hadn't got to thank him for helping them right the wrongs of his warped family. Clara had sent him a invitation on the off chance he might show up, she sensed Emmie and Dominic's business wasn't finished, she had seen the way Dominic had looked at her sister, it was the same way Colt had looked at her when they first met.

Jake had a new girlfriend and seemed happy with Kate Terrance's little sister, they had hit it off when she was staying here becoming good friends she hadn't been shy in expressing her attraction for him, but who could blame her he was good looking, he had caved and took her out, they had been together for a month now and things seemed to be going really well, although Clara suspected the arrival of Sarah may leave him a little flustered, she didn't say but she believed Kate was a consolation prize because Sarah had left, he hadn't seen her yet, Clara hadn't told him Sarah would be there either, she didn't want him stressed god knows he had been stressed enough helping to plan the wedding, the poor lad had been a nervous wreck the last few days.

"Are you ready to do this." Iris said from the door way "your husband to be is eagerly waiting for you in your special spot."

"There's nothing I would rather be doing today, is everyone there?" Clara said feeling butterflies in her stomach as the excitement grew.

"They are, your mum is waiting for you down stairs, I have to tell you though Clara I have never seen a more beautiful bride my brother is one lucky man, and I know he is the happiest he's ever been, thank you for loving him." Iris said hugging her and then dabbing at her eyes. She hugged Iris back fiercely.

"He makes it easy to love him, thank you so much for everything you have done for us, I will be eternally grateful." She said Iris gave her one last squeeze and left the room to join the others.

She met Heather at the foot of the stairs tears shone in her mother eyes, Heather was impeccably dressed as usual wearing a beautiful light pink pencil dress and nude stiletto heels. She handed Clara her bouquet of white and pink roses and kissed her on the cheek.

"You are stunning, I couldn't be any more proud of you my beautiful girl, you are everything I hoped you'd be and more." She whispered taking Clara's hand as they made their way into the woods to the clearing where Colt was waiting with all of their friends dressed in a tuxedo, the sight of him made her blush as her body reacted the only way it always did around this man, as soon as their eyes connected the biggest grin appeared on his face as he took her all in, she could see every emotion shining in his beautiful dark eyes. Her heart fluttered with anticipated joy.

As she stood next to him ready to give herself to him completely he whispered in her ear

"You take my breath away Clara."

. . .


She was finally his, she belonged to him not only heart and soul but as his wife.

He placed his hand over her growing stomach loving the fact that she was carrying a part of him inside her, he would do everything in his power to make sure that Clara and his unborn baby wanted for nothing, he pulled her close for their first dance as husband and wife, inhaling her unique floral scent and they moved around the dance floor surrounded by all of their familiar friends and family.

Heather had really out done herself with the hotel she had booked for their function, the room was immense and oozed class and style.

The day and night couldn't have been more perfect.

That night as he pushed his painfully hard cock into Clara welcoming centre, hearing his name called out on her perfect lips as he sunk into her was the best sound in the world, he thrusted lavishing in the feeling of utter bliss as the sensations grew more intense with every move of their hips. She came first screaming out how much she loved him, he loved to watch as she let go. Unable to hold on any longer as her tight little body milked him squeezing him until his eyes crossed in pleasure, he found his own release seeing stars as he pumped everything he had into her, knowing that he would never get tired of feeling this happy and content buried inside the only woman who held his heart in hers.

As they lay in each-others arms Clara's head was resting on his chest listening to his heart beat, this was something she did now every night since she brought him back to life, she said it was to remind her of what she nearly lost. He ran his fingers up and down her back lovingly.

"Your mine." He whispered with a tired smile on his lip.

"And your mine" Clara said as she lifted herself straddling his hips so he was inside her again. "Forever" she moaned as she took him deep inside her and rode him slowly. Showing him just how much she loved him.

The End

Unfamiliar (Book One: Colt and Clara's Story)Where stories live. Discover now