Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Colt are you still there" Heather's voice shouted through the phone. 

"Yeah I'm still here, I'll call you back in a minute." He ended the call with Heather and focused on Annabelle, what the hell was she doing here and where was Clara?

She took a step towards him, her dark hair reached her waist and her chocolate brown eyes were watching him intently, she was looking at him like she wanted to rip his clothes off.

"Hey handsome." She purred in a really bad Irish accent "You better call my mother back and tell her that you've found me."


"C-Clara?" He asked not quite believing it.

"Um Hmm-it worked Colt the, the spell worked." She said excitedly in her own voice.

"Fuck Clara is that really you? This is awesome a little bit freaky but so awesome." He said with just as much excitement grabbing her in a hug and then looking down at her. "Hey Annabelle was hot." He said wiggling his eyebrows at her jokingly.

"Stop it." She said laughing. 

"Seriously though Clara it wasn't safe for you to be wandering around these woods, what made you come back here?" He asked.

"I just needed to face one of my fears Colt, I am sorry if I worried you, but as you can see I had the ultimate disguise." She said looking quite pleased with herself. But the fear that she had put herself in danger and something might have happened played on his mind.

"Iris can't make it until later, we tried to call you but there wasn't any connection. I came back to the van to get you but when I got there you were gone, I was so afraid they had found you Clara, please don't ever do that to me again, my heart can't take it." He said, hoping she would listen.

"I won't, I promise." She said looking a little guilty, she threw her arms around his neck and smiled mischievously "Call Heather tell her we are on our way, I can't wait to see her face, I am starting to enjoy being a witch." She nuzzles at his neck her warm breath on his skin made a shiver run through him, his body reacted like it always did to her, but it didn't feel right.

"I am quite enjoying you being a witch too, as long as you don't put yourself in anymore danger." He smiled down at her "Change back soon though, I miss getting lost in those gorgeous emerald eyes of yours." He said leaning in for a kiss.

"Charmer" She said pulling away from him before their lips touched. "Race ya to the cliffs." She shouted and took off giggling her dark hair trailing behind her.

He pressed call on Heather's number, she answered straight away.

"I've found Clara, I'll explain when we get there." He said quickly.

"Hurry up, it'll be going dark soon." Heather sounded relieved , although she was being her usual demanding self. He hung up and started running.

He caught up to Clara quickly, but he was impressed at how far she had gotten in the seconds he was on the phone, he had seen her this free spirited before with Jake and Sarah but she had never shown this side of herself to him. He had been too busy trying to stay away and pretending he didn't care, he had longed for her to laugh at him the way she was right now.

Her giggle was infectious and before long he was laughing a long with her as she hid behind trees trying to scare him.

When they reached the parting in the trees that lead to the cliffs he was about to walk through when Clara tugged on his arm and he turned. "If anything happens today then I just need you to know that I love you Colt." Her dark eyes were filled with adoration and love.

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