Chapter Thirty-two

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Jake tore down the motorway in Colts van, he had to make it, he couldn't let these fuckers rip apart his family, there had to be something he could do, he couldn't just sit in the back of that shitty van and wait for shit to come to him, Colt was in trouble. 

He had contacted Heather for Dominic's address as soon as he'd gotten the worrying text from Colt, his mum had assured him she was fine and now he was currently breaking all the legal speed limits to get to the address Heather had provided.

Heather had said it was a fifteen minute drive from the club, he pulled outside the gated mansion in just over ten minutes, thankful the roads had been clear. His nerves were shot and he was ready for just about anything thrown at him. He got out of the van and slammed the door, rushing over to the big steel gates, they were like prison bars, keeping in the monster who lived here. 

He had read stories about Dominus and his followers as a child, the things they did to people was the stuff nightmares were made of. This wasn't the time to dwell on horror stories and folklore tales, his Uncle needed help and the man living here could help him. 

He pressed the button on the fancy intercom system, hoping someone would at least listen to him and he wouldn't end up having to go into battle with anyone.

"Who are you?" A voice spoke out from the speaker.

"My name's Jake, I'm here to speak to Dominic, Emmie's sister is in trouble and we need her help." He said into the speaker. There was a couple of moments silence, before anyone spoke again.

"Pull your van into the drive, someone will be out to meet you." He was surprised they had believed him. The gates opened, he got back into the van and drove it down the long driveway towards the mansion praying luck was on his side tonight.

 The grounds looked amazing the immense picturesque lawn and flowerbeds were all  lit up by spot lights, there must have been at least an acre of land surrounding this place, it would be spectacular in the light of day.

As soon as he got to the building he parked up and jumped out quickly striding towards the massive front door, he spotted a woman he recognised as Emmie straight away standing on the door step, she was the image of Heather, her skin was free from makeup but flawless, she was beautiful. Her big blue eyes were full of worry as she ran towards him.

"Jake? What's happened to my sister?" She asked, he could hear the fear in the waver of her voice.

"They've found her Emmie, they took her, Sarah's dad betrayed us, now they know about The Sanctuary, they have Colt as well, he went into the club to get Clara back before we realised". He said quickly, his heart was pounding in his chest, with all the stress of the day he could feel  his beast trying to claw its way out of him, but he had to control it. Once his beast was free, there would be no stopping the carnage.

"Come with me we need to tell Dominic everything, he needs to know what's been happening. " Emmie said grabbing his hand and pulling him inside the doors.

As they entered the massive hall way A tall blond haired man was racing down the stairs. "Amelia, who is this? What is going on?" He demanded looking pissed. Jake felt the pull of his magic straight away, this guy was definitely a force to be reckoned with, Jake wouldn't stand a chance if this turned nasty, Emmie gave his hand a squeeze as if sensing his sudden nervousness and introduced him.

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