Chapter Thirty- Five

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"Take another step and I slit this little bastards throat." Juliet screams.

Hopes whimper of "Mummy" makes Clara move faster through the kitchen pushing herself ahead of Colt who doesn't look impressed to be shoved out of the way. "I need to do this" she mouths at him as she reaches the door, thankfully there is a pillar covering the kitchen door from view so Clara can creep out and evaluate the situation before barging in.

Emmie is on her hands and knees sobbing and begging for Juliet to let Hope go, Dominic looks furious and ready to tear a limb from his sister who is currently holding a knife to Hopes little neck with a psychotic expression on her face.

"Why are you doing all this Juliet? Did you not think I wouldn't work out what you were up to sooner or later?" Dominic asks.

"You had everything, I was always just the bastard child to daddy, he was so disappointed when you turned your back on your birth right, I had to make him see that I could take your place, I could become the child he could mould into Dominus and fulfil the sacred bonding." Juliet said, she sounded like petulant child who never got her own way. "Daddy died before we could complete our project but, we had already put our plan into motion, he was so proud of me and what I had become in the end I had to carry on and complete his work." She looked at him a smug smile on her lips. "After years of searching we had finally found the descendant of Annabelle, I had her, she didn't know who she was but it was definitely her, then the bitch escaped and faked her own death. But we've found her again Dominic, she should be at the cave with Miles by now, you can join us and complete our families legacy, be the man our father wanted you to be."

"Miles is dead Juliet, your scheming failed." Dominic stated.

Juliet looked rattled for a moment before her features hardened again.

"He always was weak, fucking pussy, I don't need him anyway." Juliet spat

Clara knew it was now or never Juliet wouldn't expect it.

She peered round the pillar and waited for the perfect opportunity, Juliet was still trying to convince Dominic how amazing it would be if he embraced his birth right, her attention wasn't focused on Hope any more.

Clara was about to use the restraining spell on her when an angry looking Sarah came from behind Juliet and hit her on the back of the head, the shock of being hit from behind made Juliet let go of Hope, who ran straight into Emmies open arms.

Juliet turned on Sarah lunging at her with the knife, Sarah wrestled with Juliet but wasn't strong enough to fight her off, Juliet plunged the blade into Sarah's stomach. Sarah fell to the flor holding her wound.

Jake who had been following behind them ran forward his skin tearing as his beast broke free, he pounced towards Juliet who looked amused by all of the attention she was receiving from them.

Jake took swipe after swipe at Juliet missing her every-time, it was as if she had a hex of some kind protecting her from their attack. She discarded Jake like he was a mere teddy bear throwing him across the foyer, his big body hit the floor and lay unconscious.

"You fucking psychotic bitch, I've had enough of my friends and family suffering because of you and your stupid vendetta, Concluserat." Clara cried holding her arms out towards Juliet.

Nothing happened.

Juliet started laughing hysterically "You think that shitty magic will work on me, my father made sure your families magic wouldn't touch me and as for your friends they are no match against my kind, didn't your mother the great Heather tell you that? Oh yes I forgot she abandoned you after your father was killed." She sniggered "Daddy was anything but subtle in the hate for your family, in-fact he told me killing the great Cillian was too easy."

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