Chapter Thirty-One

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The drive to Perdition was done in silence, there was a heavy atmosphere hanging in the air, he was close to losing his shit all together. He had been such a dickhead bringing Danny into their lives he should have realised the fucker would betray them. Terrance was sitting next to him in the van looking just as pissed, his forehead was creased with a menacing frown. Heather had stayed with Iris, incase Dominic's men decided to pay a visit, he didn't know how much information Danny had divulged.

Colt accelerated, he needed to get to the club and quickly, if Heather had been right and this was the work of a humanoid they needed to get to her before the sick bastard tortured her some more.

"Jeez, slow down Colt." Jake shouted from the back of the van when he took a turn to quick. He ignored Jakes protests putting his foot down harder.

Colt parked the van twenty minutes later opposite Perdition.

"Jake, you stay here, be our eyes for who's coming in and out, if there's any trouble I'll call you and vice versa." Colt ordered.

Jake nodded "keep yourself safe man." He said looking a bit rattled.

"I'll be fine Jakey boy, these fuckers don't realise who they've just messed with." Colt said turning his attention back to the club, he blew out a breath to try and ease the tension inside him.

"Come on meathead let's get in there." He said to Terrance, push the van door open and then slamming it shut behind him.

They were obviously expected because the two door men nodded at them as they passed.

Colt was on a mission tonight, the anger was bubbling just below the surface, if they had hurt even a hair on Clara's head the whole fucking club would feel his wrath.

"Hey handsome" A familiar voice called out from the reception desk as they made their way through. He wasn't in the mood for being hit on tonight, but Princess had other ideas. "I never did get to give you that dance." She said leaning on the counter so her double D's pushed their way out of her top, the look on her face was predatory.

"Maybe later Princess, someone I need to see." He said brushing her off, she pouted at him.

"Well I'm here all night, don't leave me hanging handsome." She purred, he ignored her come on and followed Terrance through the big double doors into the club.

Before entering the V.I.P area Terrance stopped and looked at him.

"You ready to do this Tommy lad?" He asked using Colts fake name there was concern on his face "If we're doing this whatever is waiting for us in that room you've got to go along with it, I know it'll be hard, but if we play along there a chance we can find out where they are keeping her." Terrance said.

"Fine, but if I find out they have hurt her in anyway, them fuckers won't know what's hit them." Colt growled

"And I'll be right next to you, let's do this." Terrance stated and pushed open the door.

He looked around and spotted Sarah straight away she was in the middle of a strip tease swinging around one of the poles on the podium, a dick in a suit was ogling her trying to coax her into joining him and his friends. She didn't even acknowledge the guys desperate pleads as she put on her performance. She made it look so easy. She looked so different, her dark hair was in high pigtails, she was scantily clad in a pink thong and a tiny string bikini top which barely covered her breasts. Colt was glad he had told Jake to stay in the van, if he saw her like this the lad would probably carry her out of here caveman style. She caught sight of him and he saw a flash of something which looked like panic register in her eyes, before she looked away, but she didn't stop dancing. Did she know what her father had done?

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