Chapter 1~ First Mission

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I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho. It was written by Yukiyoshi Ōhashi and directed by Noriyuki Abe. The original manga writer is Yoshihiro Togashi. The only thing I own in this FanFlic is Sapphire.

§Sapphire's POV§

"Koenma, where do you want these books filed off to?" I asked, holding a huge stack of books in my small arms.

"Huh, oh, just file them off in the back of the library in the 'Demon History' section." Koenma ordered while doing his paperwork.

"Okay!" I smiled and made my way to the library with my long brown hair swaying side to side.

It's been about 5 years since I was found and saved by Spirit World's soldiers. As I was running I could feel and see the soldiers a few metres ahead and as a last resort I let out all that was left of my spirit energy into a beam, pointed to the sky, and the last thing I saw before blacking out was the soldiers running to me.

I made it to the library and finished putting the books back. Ever since I regained conciseness I've devoted myself to helping out around Spirit World.

"Sapphire!" Botan called; when she spotted me she ran up to me and started dragging me somewhere. "Botan, where are we going?" I asked as she slugs me onto her flying oar.

"Why to the Living World of course. Koenma has a mission for the new Spirit Detective and he's going to need your help." she chirped.

"T-t-t-the LIVING WORLD!! NO! Botan I don't want to go back there! I don't want to!" I shouted. "Oh come on, we've already arrested the humans from that project and you'll only be there for a little while to pick up the detective then you'll be on your way to the City of Ghosts and Apparitions. You and the Spirit Detective are to infiltrate the city then eliminate the Four Saint Beasts." And with that she zipped off to Living World, my worst nightmare...

§Botan's POV§

'I hope Sapphire will be okay. The poor thing's been through enough as it is. I mean she's terrified of humans now...' This thought circles around in my mind as we near the meeting spot.

"B-Botan..." Sapphire squeaks.

"Yes, is something wrong Sapphire?"

"W-what's the detective like?..." she asks as we steady to the ground and I change into my human form.

"Well, he doesn't seem to be the type to die saving a kid, but he did. It honestly shocked everyone when he did that. You probably don't remember this happening since you were studying in the library at the time, you know: when you didn't leave the library for 3 weeks." I answered. She just lets out an 'oh...' and looked up.

Her eyes widen then she shouted, "Botan look out!" she pushes me then roundhouse kicks the demon I've been trailing square in the face, sending him to crash into a wall on the other side of the alley.

"Now that’s what I call team work. Thanks Sapphire." I thanked.
"No problem!" she beamed.

"Botan? What are you doing here?" Yusuke questioned as he and Kuwabara rounded the corner. Sapphire turned to face them, looked at them, then she squeaked and hid behind me. "B-B-Botan... i-it's 

"Who's the chick?" Yusuke raised a brow.

"Aw... she so cute!" Kuwabara gashed.

"This is Sapphire. Sapphire this is the new Spirit Detective Yusuke Uraneshi and his friend Kazuma Kuwabara." I introduced and pried the scared little demon out from behind me.

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