Chapter 24 ~ Finals

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I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho. It was written by Yukiyoshi Ōhashi and directed by Noriyuki Abe. The original manga writer is Yoshihiro Togashi. The only thing I own in this FanFlic is Sapphire.

§No One's POV§

It's finally the day of the finals, Team Urameshi versus Team Toguro!

Team Urameshi enters the stadium, and the crowd began to cheer death wishes. Team Toguro enters the stadium slowly. Cheers erupted from the crowd with excitement.

Soon, everyone noticed that each team only had 4 players. "You must have five or your team will forfeit." Juri announced after reading through the rule book.

"Sorry I'm late..." The door behind Team Urameshi flew off there hinges and there stood Sapphire, straightening up from when she kicked the doors. Her appearance changed drastically and the look in her eyes spelled out to everyone not to mess with her.

Walking over to her team, Sapphire word black shorts and combat boots. A sarashi as her only 'top' and a strange tattoo on her left arm.

She stood next to Hiei before speaking. "I believe this makes 5 fighters for our team." She smiled.

The owner of Team Toguro stepped into the arena as the fifth player sometime before Sapphire arrived.

After some complications and arguing, Genkai was pronounced dead to the public and Kuwabara wasn't pleased to find out that he was the only one on their team that didn't know.

Kurama fought first against Karasu. Well into the fight, Kurama became Yuko once again. After Karasu turned into a wavy blonde and destroyed a full section of the stadium, and ended the match with a win for Team Toguro. Kuramawas down for 8 seconds longer.

The second match was Hiei (4'10"ft. not counting hair) versus Bui (9"ft.). It was a brutal and long match, but in the end, Hiei won since he absorbed the Darkness Flame and destroyed at least 80% of the arena.

Hiei walks back to us, his shirt half shredded and burned from the flames. "The fights from here on out are up to you all. I used up too much strength; I need to hibernate for a while. If anything happens to my body while I'm asleep, I'll kill you all." Hiei warns before he falls asleep and his head was about to crash into a rock.

"Hiei!" I grab him before his head smashes through the rock but fall backwards in the proses. "Get... him... off... of me!..." I groan in pain since Hiei's head bashed into my stomach during our landing.

"Ouch, that looked painful." Kuwabara voices as Kurama helps me up.

I lay Hiei's head on my lap as we continue on with the battles.

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