Chapter 3~ Round 1: The Black Warrior

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I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho. It was written by Yukiyoshi Ōhashi and directed by Noriyuki Abe. The original manga writer is Yoshihiro Togashi. The only thing I own in this FanFlic is Sapphire.

§Sapphire's POV§

We were walking through another hall Yusuke was deep in thought before voicing his thoughts. "Hey Kurama, tell us what you know about the Saint Beast. Botan and Sapphire here didn't give us much info before coming here."

"They wouldn't have told you much anyways, ever since the barriers were raised around the city, Spirit World Intelligence virtually forgot about this place." Kurama informed the detective.

"What do you know?" Kuwabara questioned.

"Let’s just say, when you see their bodies you may be very surprised." Kurama answered vaguely.

"Terrified isn't that more like it?" A voice from nowhere asked.

"Who said that?" Kuwabara asks in a shocked tone.

The deep voice began to laugh. "Hahahaha... there's a door behind you. Please take it." A door suddenly appeared behind us and the two humans pushed it open.

"Ladies first." Yusuke said. I sighed and walked through the now opened door, with the others following close behind me.

I took one of the torches and threw it a few ft. in front of us. Yusuke and Kuwabara gasped when they saw the first demon.

"Hahaha! Welcome trespassers. "

"Gyah! Okay, I'm surprised." Kuwabara freaked.

"I am Genbu of the Four Saint Beasts." He introduced himself. "Any questions before you die!?"

Yusuke smirks. "Yeah, tell me how can a beast is a saint? I'm lost."

"This stair well is the only way to get up to the castle tower. You can either defeat me to go there or you can be dragged there after I kill you!" Genbu whips his tail at the ground next to him, creating a small crater. He then started telling us to go at him all at once which just ticked me off.

Kuwabara starts to freak out even more. "He's a rock Urameshi! How in the world are we supposed to fight a talking rock!?"

Kurama steps forward, "I will fight him."

"Are you sure?" Yusuke asks in concern.

"It will be ill advised for all of us to attack without knowing his powers." He answers. "Besides, I can hardly let Hiei get all the credit for this mission. Now can I?" He adds, looking back at said demon.

Genbu smirks "You want to die one by one? Very well then."

"Kurama!" I shout making him turn around. "He pisses me off, kick his ass to the next mmalenneum." I smirk.

"I see your demon self is starting to come out. Very well then."

"Hey, wouldn't it be better to get him under that ceiling drop thing!?" Yusuke suggests. "Obviously you are underestimating Kurama." Hiei starts. "Do you know why I chose him as my partner, so I can avoid fighting him myself. Watch, he's more cutthroat then I am in battle and unbelievably precise."

"I don't know guys; he's still a talking rock." Kuwabara mutters.

"Hey, stone man's doing something freaky with his tail!" Yusuke points out. It was too late though, Kurama dodged but still got a cut along his gut.

"Hahaha! Thanks to my body's structure I can become one with any kind of rock.-" Genbu laughs.

"Tisk. You’re not the only one who can do that." I kissed my teeth and mumbled to myself.

"-since this whole chamber is made of stone, I have you surrounded." Genbu finishes.

Genbu sinks into the ground and attacks from nowhere. Kurma dodges and pulls out a rose after flicking his hair.

"A rose... okay..." Yusuke sweat drops.

"Now that’s weird. If he trying to win the guys over, I don't think that's a good idea." Kuwabara adds to Yusuke's comment. Hiei and I just chuckles at what they said.

"It's no ordinary rose." Kurama then turns it into his rose whip and rose petals fly around the room.

"Well, everything's coming out roses." Yusuke commented. "It smells girly, I don't like it." I elbow Kuwabara in the gut for that last comment. "I am a girl you know."

"Yeah... and I like it better when you were all timid and demure." He said that last part to himself.

Kurama continues his fight and eventually dices up Genbu. "H-how did you know... where I was?" Genbu asks weakly. "The sweet smell of the roses made it easy for my nose to find your putrid smell among them.

Genbu then passed out. We walked closer to Kurama and were about to leave when Genbu began to reassemble himself. 'That's not fair... why can't I do that?' I whine in my thoughts.

"Looks like my fight isn't over just yet." Kurama states calmly.

"Hahaha! My body can reassemble itself. Actually, that would make a very nice attack. Haha!" Genbu bragged as he disassembles himself and launches at Kurama.

'Shut up and die already...' I think as this guy brings a bad name to us earth type demons...

At some point in the fight Kurama just let himself get hit, in order to grab a glowing red rock.

When he finished reassembling himself... his head was....

"W-wait, how are you on the ceiling?" Genbu questioned. "What's wrong?" Yusuke and Kuwabara bursts out laughing at the sight of Genbu, who seems to have placed his head where his crouch is.


"Yeah, I'd like to see him use the toilet!" Kuwabara adds.

I cover my mouth to try to prevent myself from laughing like a mental nutcase.

"Ga! What did you do to me!?" Genbu demands. "I took this," Kurama holds out the glowing red rock he took. "I believe this is the equivalent of the hypothalamus portion of your brain. It regulates all the functions of your body, including of putting you back together."

"Give it back!" Kurama throws the rock and slashes it in half with his whip; Genbu then became nothing but a rain of dust.

Kurama then collapses to his knees. "Kurama, are you okay?" Yusuke asks in concern.

"If Kurama is injured then we're going to have some problems." Hiei commented. I nod in agreement. "I just wish I had more than 30% of my original powers..." I mumble.

"I'm sorry Yusuke." Kurama apologizes. "Nah, you've earned yourself a break anyways." The spirit detective answers. "Yeah, I'll handle the next one." Kuwabara adds.

We now make our way up the stair case to our next opponent.

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