Chapter 2~ Sealed

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I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho. It was written by Yukiyoshi Ōhashi and directed by Noriyuki Abe. The original manga writer is Yoshihiro Togashi. The only thing I own in this FanFlic is Sapphire.

§Kurama's POV§

We began to walk over to the castle after calming Hiei and Kuwabara down.

Sapphire pulled me to the back of the group. "U-um... Can I ask you something?" she asks timidly. "Sure. What is it?" I agree. "A-are you Yoko Kurama...?"

Now it was my turn to ask questions. "Yes I am. Why do you ask?" She looks down at her feet. "Because if I lose control of my demon powers, I think Yoko will have an easier time stopping me than the others would..." she has a scared look on her face but her eyes keep flickering from scared to madness, anger and destruction. "Sure, I'll keep you from killing everything in sight." I pat her head reassuringly.


A strange one eyed bat demon came out of nowhere.

"Welcome to Maze Castle." It said. "Those who enter maze castle must first under go a tried by the Gate of Betrayal."

"What do you mean tried?" Yusuke asks.
The ceiling suddenly fell.

"Uraneshi, why did you have to ask?" Kuwabara shouted.
We caught the falling ceiling boy none of us can move or else we risk flattening the others.

§Yusuke's POV§

Aw damn, now we're stuck!

"It's really heavy..." Sapphire squeaked.

"Are you sure you’re a demon? You’re pretty weak." Hiei asked bluntly.

"About 90% of my powers have been sealed away. Right now I'm about as strong as an ordinary human." She informed.

"WHAT!? Why the heck did Koenma sent you then?" I questioned.

"I don't know myself. He knows I hate humans and the Living World, yet he still made me come here. Apparently my seal has been temporarily weakened but I'm not sure how much." She answers.

"Hehehe... the weight of the ceiling is the same as the combined strength of its victims. The more strength you put into holding it up, the heavier it will become." The bat said. "But there's just enough room for one person to dash through. Leaving the rest I you behind."

"So that's why it's called the Gate of Betrayal..." Kurama thought out loud.

"Discussions must be quick. Not even the five of you can't hold on for a long period of time." The bat chuckled.

"Man, I can't wait to get my hands on that bat thing!" Kuwabara grunted.

"Well I'm not about to die for the sakes of you worthless humans." Hiei commented.

"Don't you even think about it Hiei!" Kuwabara warns.

§Sapphire's POV§

"Man. I knew we should've played some trust games." Yusuke mumbles.

Everyone started to argue and I begin to feel my demonic aura spiking, and wanting to surface.

'This is bad... if we continue on like this... I might kill everyone...' I panic in my thoughts before Yusuke's idea brings me out of my thoughts.

"Hiei, you go and pull the lever." Yusuke demanded.

"WHAT!?" Kuwabara shouted.

"You’re the fastest out of all of us. “He clarified.

"But what if he decides to just ditch us!" Kuwabara argued.

"The ugly one is right for once. What if I do betray you, I still haven't taken my revenge on you and I could care less of what happens to you all. Maybe I'll take care of that now." Hiei informed.

"Who's ugly!?" Kuwabara shouts. "Come here you little mouse!"

"Yeah, but I don't think quick deaths are you style." Yusuke says. "I'll let out all my spirit energy to hold on long enough for you to pull the lever."

Yusuke does as he said and held the ceiling up a bit higher. Hiei dashes to the lever and the bat makes him ponder over whether or not to help us.

"Don't you dear think about it Hiei!" Kuwabara shouts.

"Sorry guys... I can't hold on..." Yusuke then drops. "Damn it! It’s falling!"

'That's it, I can't take it anymore!' I allowed my demonic aura through. My red-blue eyes become dark blue and my hair turns from light brown to a rose gold colour.

"You people piss me off..." I hissed.

"W-wha-" I cut Kuwabara off by kicking the ceiling high up and smashing it to bits. Hiei then cuts the bat thing. "Tell your masters, that this is their chance to beg for mercy!" Hiei announces and the bat flew away.

"I knew you'd come through!" Yusuke sighs. He tumbles a bit and Kuwabara catches him. "You okay Uraneshi?"

"Yeah, I just can’t feel my arms right now..." Said boy answered. "You did have me worried for a minute there though; hell of an actor. Not everyone can pretend to laugh at their dying friends."

"Friends are just a crutch for the weak. And I wasn't acting." Hiei started to walk away.

"Sapphire... Are you still in control?" Kurama asks with caution as the others argued. "Yeah, it's been a while since I've been in this form though; I think I got about 30% of my original powers back for now." I answered as my hair and eyes change back to normal. I started to walk away as well but... "Shoot... I think... I'm gonna..." I fall but I have a soft landing.

"Get. Off. Of. Me. Right. Now!" Hiei's stern yet pissed off voice comes from below me. "Sorry... it's been over 5 years since I've had my spirit energy this high... guess my body's gonna need some time to adjust." I got up and swayed a bit but I soon regained my footing.

"Alright, let's go!" I started to walk and everyone followed.

After a while of walking Yusuke's pocket started to ring and he pulled out a communication mirror.

"Hello Yusuke, Botan here in the world of the living, do you copy?"

"Yeah-" Yusuke was cut off by Kuwabara. "Hey what's up Botan? This is the brave Kuwabara reporting; at your service. I'm taking very good care of Urameshi."

"I'm so glad to hear that." Botan smiles and sweat drops. "I've got things under control here as well, more or less..." she muttered that last part of her sentence." I learned that the insect only invade those with depressed hearts. That narrows down my search a bit. I also found another spy for the Saint Beasts, I just can't figure out how their getting passed the barrier..."

I ignore the rest of what Botan says as I notice the spy she knocked out getting up. Just before I could warn her she whacked him in the face with her baseball bat. 'That's gonna leave a mark...' I think.

Botan hangs up after Yusuke beats up Kuwabara and we continue our walk, deeper into the castle.

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