Chapter 10~ Challenge and Training

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I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho. It was written by Yukiyoshi Ōhashi and directed by Noriyuki Abe. The original manga writer is Yoshihiro Togashi. The only thing I own in this FanFlic is Sapphire.

§Sapphire's POV§

Me and Hiei have been hanging out more lately and he's also helped me train on my speed. Right now I'm racing with Hiei and I can see the finish line. I was a good 2-3 meters away from the finish line when a gust of wind rushes past me and I see Hiei standing at the finish line.

"Damn it, and here I thought I could finally beat you in a race!" I whine as I puff my cheeks in a pout.

"Your faster than you were at the start, I'm surprised that your this fast now after only 3 days." He comments. A smile places itself upon my face.

'I must really be improving if Hiei's complementing me.'

"Hiei, Sapphire!" Kurama calls. "Koenma's calling us over. It seems the Toguro Brothers are still alive." My eyes widen at this and me and Hiei dash to Koenma's office.

"Okay," I calmly breathed out before shouting, "What the heck do you mean the Toguro Brothers are still alive!?"

"Calm down Sapphire and look at this." Koenma then turns the TV. screen on and we see a video of the two brothers getting up and talking to some guy named Sakyo about forcing Yusuke and Kuwabara into entering the Dark Tournament.

"This is not good..." Kurama mumbles. "That's right, it's not good. I need you three to be on Yusuke's team, but Sapphire, you're going to be the substitute fighter. I should let Yusuke choose at least one member to fight in the team." Koenma tells us.

"Understood." The three of us said in unison before leaving to the Human World.

§Time Skip Kurama's POV§

Right now Hiei, Sapphire and I just finished watching a demonstration of the Younger Toguro's strength from the top of a building.

"From the looks on your faces, you three were invited to the tournament as well. On Urameshi's team no doubt." The Younger Toguro stated. "Demons who side with humans will get no sympathy."

"Sympathy has never been a part of those fights." I state in return.

The Younger Toguro smirks. "As you know, the Tournaments are teams of five and a substitute. You'll need another fighter." And with that he leaves. "For your sakes, I hope you find someone useful."

"What are our chances?" I ask the two beside me. "Don't ask." Is all Hiei says before turning and walking away. "Let’s just leave it at not very good..." Sapphire says timidly before walking away herself.

§Sapphire's POV§

We have two months to prepare and get stronger for the Dark Tournament. Yusuke's going through Genkai's hell of a training camp and Hiei along with Kurama are training Kuwabara.

Right now I'm walking down the path between the Spirit, Living, and Demon Worlds; getting ready to start my own training.

"I summon thee. Darkness of my soul... evil of my heart... Locked chains, the shadow into two... One becomes two, two without one... the curse of you, sealed within... I summon thee... my eternal reflection... my yin... my inner demon... My doppelgänger..." I chant. As I finish the incantation another me appears, my Doppelgänger.

"A wise choice, me." She smirks. "The only way to get stronger than yourself is to defeat yourself." She charges at me with Crystal Claws and I block with Light Blades.

'I will become stronger! I will never falter!'

§Botan's POV§

Right now me, Koenma and Jorge, the blue Ogre, are watching Yusuke's training with Genkai.

"Ouch... that's gotta hurt." Jorge winces at the sight of Genkai punches Yusuke off a cliff wall while he has a ball and chain strapped to each leg.

"Let’s see how Kuwabara's doing..." Koenma changes the channel, only to see Kuwabara and Kurama brutally sparing. "Oops, I meant let’s see how Sapphire's training is going!" Koenma quickly changes the channel again.

"W-what the...?" Jorge chokes out when he sees how Sapphire's training method. "How... how is this possible?" I stutter. "SAPPHIRE'S FIGHTING SAPPHIRE!?" the two of us shout.

"Calm down you two. It's the Doppelgänger Spell." Koenma informs. "Just as the name implies, this spell allows the user to separate the inner part of their soul; the part we would usually hide. This in tails creates a manifestation of their inner self and its spirit energy, powers, abilities and every itty bitty detail of the original is copied."

"So she's basically fighting a reflection of herself." I voice. "Correct." Koenma answers. "But there is a side effect to using this. It's not a serious side effect but it can become one, depending on how you look at it. After this training she'll be very agitated and have mood swings for a few days."

'The way their all training... this is going to be a long two months for them all...'

Firefly Path ~Hiei Love Story~ ~Yu Yu Hakusho Fanfiction~ [DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora