Chapter 19~ Tearing Winds

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I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho. It was written by Yukiyoshi Ōhashi and directed by Noriyuki Abe. The original manga writer is Yoshihiro Togashi. The only thing I own in this FanFlic is Sapphire.

§Yusuke's POV§

Man, this Jin guys hilarious! I see why Sapphire's happy to have him as an older-brother in law.

The two of us stopped laughing and turned around to find two Sapphires cheering, one cheering for me and the other for Jin, and the real Sapphire helping Kurama with the Death Plant.

"Hahaha! That's just like her, she never like cheering for one person so she invented a move to allow her to not only aide her in battle but in situations like this." Jin chuckles.

"What d'ya mean?" I raise a brow. "She wants both of us I win but she can only cheer for one of us at a time, but then it would seem like she likes one more then the other, so she created Crystal Clones to do the cheering for her as she watches the fight or something." He explains quickly.

§Sapphire's POV§

It's nice to see the two getting along. Jin then starts to use his wind to attack, and he and Yusuke seem to be pretty much evenly matched.

Jin then goes in with his Tornado Fist for one final blow but Yusuke uses his Spirit Gun at a dangerously close range and the ricochet of the combining attacks cause me to fly and ram into the stadium wall.

"Ow..." I wheeze out as I'm currently sliding off the wall.

Yusuke seems to be fine, just banged his head into the wall.

Jin's okay too, he's up in the air, literally.

"I thought I was crazy but you take the prize, da hell was that!? You don't make bombs go boom in your face!" Jin shouts from his position in the sky, hands on his thighs.

"Damn it!" Yusuke shouts in frustration. "At least one of us should've died!"

"He's no amateur opponent." Hiei stated.

"I'm not saying he is but that was a clean shot." Yusuke counters. "Yes, but Jin saw your strategy in the last moment and took evasive action; rather than guard himself, he tilted the air stream, sending most of the blast upwards. Probably saving both your lives." Hiei informs.

"So he's funny and smart. That heatedly seems fare." Yusuke complains.

"As a Shinobi, he has much more experience." Hiei stated. "Not only that, he's had to deal with my sister's mood swings... trust me when I say this: 'When Amethyst loses it, not even the gods and devils are safe'." I quote.

"Your sister's that scary when she's pissed huh?" Yusuke crooks his head to the side. I simply nod. "Yeah... even if all of her powers are all sealed up, she could easily destroy this entire arena..." I shiver.

"Well any who, even if you die from your recklessness, I'll fight in your place." Hiei smirks.

"Please. Even if you could escape me, it's illegal I return after you've been ruled unfit to fight." Ruka stated.

"Illegal?" Hiei builds up his evil aura. "Listen Ruka, my power has nearly returned and I'm going to fight. And anyone who says otherwise... Well I think you know the rest..."

Ruka shivers and has fear written all over her face. "You truly have a way with women Hiei." The masked fighter says sarcastically.

'Wait... he still want to fight!?'

"Hold it right there Hiei!" I warn. "Even if you get out and have your power back... I'm fighting the next one if Yusuke dies!" I yell. "Or have you forgotten, I went through all that trouble to heal and fix up your arm and what do you do!? You go and break your arm a second time! When you get out of this little cage you'll have more to worry about then just not getting to fight!" I added in a menacing tone.

§Rula's POV§

'I don't know what's more frightening, Hiei... or the very thought of Sapphire going toe-to-toe with Hiei... From the sight of her fight with that Bakkan guy, it's not going to be a pretty sight, to say the least...'

§Sapphire's POV§

The battle then gets back on track and Jin prepares two Tornado Fist. Yusuke then takes the stance for the Spirit Wave.

"I thought he said he couldn't use that move..." I mumble to myself.

Yusuke deflects Jin's two Tornado Fists by grabbing Jin's fists and then Yusuke punches Jin with a Spirit Wave, sending Jin flying.

Jin then comes crashing down on where Keiko and Shizuru were sitting, but Shizuru sensed it and the two moved.

Koto then starts the count as Jin struggles to get up. "Hold it right there Urameshi, I'll... be coming in just a second..." he then falls unconscious and tumbles down.

"And with a knockout by ring-out; Team Urameshi takes their fourth win!" Koto announces.

"Jin!" I ran over to where he fell. When I got to him I checked his pulse and injuries. "Few... it's nothing serious..." I sigh of relief. I then slug his arm over my shoulder and made my way back to the arena.

§Masked Fighter's POV§

"She really cares a lot for her family..." I note as I watch her carry Jin down from where he crashed.

"Well she did lose her little sister..." I heard Hiei mumble.

'She and her sisters were abandoned by not only their parents, but their older brother as well. Now that Jin is soon to be a full fledge member of her family, she'll be extra protective of him...' I sigh at my thoughts.

§Sapphire's POV§

Just as Yusuke's fight with Risho when the tournament committee stopped the fight, calming that Yusuke is unable to fight and now I've got to step in and fight. This just made it even harder for Team Masho to win, whether they know it or not.

Toguro seems pissed and Toya's not pleased either and tries to convince Risho to change the committee's decision. Saying it’s a mockery of the other's sacrifices. Risho then knocks Toya off the ring. "Toya!" I rush over and catch him before he hit the ground.

"You alright?" I ask in concern as I sit him next to Jin. "Yes, thank you Sapphire." He smiles. I smile back and look to Risho. "You’re dead..." I hiss under my breath.

"How bout we bring this whole damn place down?" I grin as my energy explodes out of my body. "I'm all for it!" Yusuke smirks. "I have retrieved more than enough of my energy to rip my way out. Let’s show these sissies what the Dark Tournament is really about!" Hiei states as his spirit energy pushes Ruka back.

Some of the demons start cheering for Hiei and our team out of fear of one of us killing em all. 'Let’s dance in a blood bath...' My grin widens at the thought.

"Koto, if you don't mind, I'd like to start kicking this guy's ass right now." She nods nervously and starts the fight.

Risho then covers his body in his earth armour thing but I could care less.

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