Chapter 3

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Blake's POV

"You might want to give her to me." I said to Ace, who was currently snuggling the sleeping pup in his chest.

"Why?" He asked pulling her closer to him.

"Because she is an Omega she has her sent so every wolf we have in our pack will want to do the same thing you are doing to her, and with me I can use my Alpha voice to stop them from dog pilling us. So give her up." I said adding my Alpha voice for the end so I would get to hold her. We were just walking into the pack house lawn when you could hear every wolf running to meet the one who smells so good. "No one is to touch her unless I say so. She will stay in my room and she hasn't had the best of life so be nice." I said to my pack in my Alpha voice, I felt the little pup flinch under my arms.

I brought her inside and as soon as I set her down on the bed she woke up and jumped/fell off the bed and hid under it. One of my men went and try to grab her witch made her cry out in pain witch made everyone upset.

"You know Alpha if you bring her into the pack we could here her thoughts he wolf most likely trusts us." Ace said walking over to the bed and sliding some chicken and water under the bed for her. Then my sister walked in,

"Maybe but that would most likely scare her more. I did some looking on the internet and at some other cases like this, it says that most of the wolves want a safe place and that what their looking for. Most of those wolves were also kept in a cage and as much as you don't want to we should put a crate out, so if she wants to she can have a safe place. " If you couldn't tell she was our pack doctor and mated to Ace. "But there will be some rules, first, no one must touch her 'space'. If she sees you messing with her crate she'll think that you were doing something to it and won't want to go in there. Second, I will be the only one touching her, I am a female, the people who hurt her were most likely males she will most likely be scared of you guys and with all the girls away on the trip, when she wakes up she will think you guys are going to hurt." She paused, he mouth pressed into a tight line as Ace , who I didn't even know left, came back with a small crate and he dropped it down as if it was burning his hand but as it made a thump on the ground the little pup jumped farther under the bed. Ace whimpered and walked away with his head down.

She set the crate down and as soon as the little pup saw it she ran to it, but she stopped when she saw it had blankets in it. She wined and pulled all the blankets out gently with her teeth and then went in and laid on the cold floor of the crate. This was going to be a long night.

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