Chapter 18

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Blake's POV

I woke up to someone creping around in the kitchen. They were very light on their feet so this must not have been the first time they had done this. I got up quietly and went to the top of the stiar and what I saw didn't surprise me. It was Danny looking around while she crept over to the fruit bowl. She was looking around as if someone was going to catch her and yell at her. Emma had left about a day ago to look for her mate, and ever since then Danny is slowly become shy and scared again. She wont eat when people are watching her and she doesn't like to make eye contact unless you make her witch only had to do once, its a long story, so long story short. She wanted to g with Emma when she left and she was fighting me about it so the only way to get her to back down was to use my alpha tone so I yelled at her to look me in the eyes when I speak and she burst into tears and ran off. She almost completely mute, the only time I hear her talk is through the walls at night when she talks to Ace and Liz. She must have sensed me watching her because she threw away her half eaten apple, and went stiff. She took a deep breath before she started to shake in fear. Then the sent hit my nose, it was her old Alpha. I growled lowly and she jumped looking for me, which by now she had smelt my sent. She got up and went to run to me but he jumped out and caught her wrist in his hand yanking her back. Another growl left my mouth but this one was much louder.

"Awe, Danny, tsk tsk tsk, you were a bad dog." She whimpered and cowered back in fear but he still had her hand.

"Let her go." I said deadly calm which meant my wolf was present.

"Now, Now Blake lets not get our undies in a bunch. See Danny here was a bad dog, she didn't listen to my commands and no she must be punished," He paused looking me dead in the eye. "Shift back!" he sadi in his Alpha tone and right away before I could think,

I yelled back in my Alpha tone, "Do Not Shift!"

What we just did Is bad, very bad. If you ever command a wolf to do something and another Alpha commands them to do something else, their wolf goes into overdrive and she cant choose which Alpha to obey so most of the wolves this happens to go rouge or worse, die. All we could do now was wait and see how her wolf could take it.

She was shaking with fear and she was also trying to hold her shift back. She gave me pleading eyes before she caved to her wolf and shifted. But as soon as she shifted she passed out. He started to pet her fur roughly.

"Good Danny. now that we know she listens to me over you I wont worry about you breaking the rules again." He said quietly in her ear. she whimpered and it made my wolf closer to shifting but I couldn't because I have no back up, just incase Danny gets hurt and I need to be with her.

"What do you want with her?" I mange to spit out.

"Me? Oh, she hasn't told you has she? Well she killed my mate and for that she asked for her punishment and she gave me her blood." I gasped, giving someone your blood, like the way she did, is a death sentence for the wolf. "So it was done, there's no way to save her. Well, her mate could but it just so happens he's an Alpha just like me, so every time she looked at you she saw me and that's why she wont be with you ever. I mean people change but not that much, face facts you cant save her."

By the end of his rant my back up had come and I lunged for him.

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