Chapter 21

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"You coming Jim? We need to move these Omegas tonight before the South Dakota Alpha gets mad." Said the first guard, who was talking to a little boy no older than ten, he had a little girl clinging to his leg and she looked to be about six. They both were terrified, but in the boys eyes you could see his will to survive and in the girls eyes, was love? She was looking around the room, looking around at us with love in her eyes. She could be about to die and she was thinking about us. She had a pure heart, you could tell right away. As son as me and the girl locked eyes she hopped of the boy and walked over to me. She bent down to my level and said something so quite I thought I missed it or I herd her wrong. But no she really had said, "I'll get you out of here."

"Girl get over here now!" The guard snapped.

"Don't talk to her like that!" The boy yelled at the guard and he was quickly silenced by a harsh backhand across the face all of us flinched from the hit but on one made a sound. She skipped over to the guard with a smile on her face.

"Why are you smiling girl?" the guard ask clearly annoyed.

"Because your about to die." She said looking him in the eyes.

"And why do you think that. You cant hurt me." He said walking up to her.

"No we cant but he can." And as she sad that she pointed to the door where Blake, Ace and everyone from the pack who could fight were standing. The guard jumped and tried to push the lock down button but Ace shifted and jumped on him and snapped his neck. Then everyone piled into the room at once and all of us who didn't know even some of them jump and cowered down while they walked around the room standing by us but not moving after that. No one came and stood by me and I felt alone and rejected thinking great their all going to get saved and I'm going to get killed by who ever is left. Then just as I curled up in a ball to hide I smelled a sent I had smelt in a long time. It was Blake he had come he stood right by me. I got really happy and started trying to get up, but we hadn't had food since we got her and the only wear we got way from the creaks in the ceiling when it rained. He didn't look at me instead he started talking.

"Do not touch or look at your Omega, we don't want them to feel intimidated. Hold still and keep your eyes away from the floor. I'm going to command them that if their mate is here to go to them. Then wait for further instructions." Most of the Omegas weren't listening so when he gave the command they were startled but slowly limped to their mate if there's was here. I managed to drag my body of closer to Blake but he still didn't look at me. "Now we will bend down slowly and pick them up, they wont fight back but they will most likely scared but we have to get them out of here. Pick them up and put them in one of the crates waiting outside with the females. Then pick up their crate and get into one of the cars. Make sure one of the Females check them before you get in the cars. Ready go." And as he said this he slowly bent down and picked me up and carried me, without looking at me. I whimpered and he stiffened walking faster to the females. He brought me to Liz which I was thankful for and as soon as she saw me she started to cry but then quickly stopped and took me out of Blake's hands and I whimpered at the lost of touch and he stiffened before mindlinking Liz and walking from me. My heart broke.

What had I done wrong?

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