Chapter 26

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"It's beautiful!" I gasped looking at the mark on my neck. It was very simple, but beautiful;. There was a crescent moon, and a wolf but the wolf wasn't howling at the moon he was like coming out of it and was howling. I started to cry.

"Baby, what's wrong? Do you like it? of course you don't..." I cut of his rant by turning around and smashing my lips to his. He was shocked at first and didn't respond but within seconds he had taking control of the kiss and I let him have the control. After about a minute I pulled away for air. He smirked at me. "All talk all the time if that's how you shut me up." I giggled at that comment.

"I'm hungry, lets go eat." I said pulling on some of his sweatpants, He nodded and put on a short which disappointed me. He must have saw my face because his next words startled me since I was in the closet.

"If you want babe, ill keep my shirt off."

"I have no clue what you're talking about." said trying to play it off but it didn't work to well.

"Babe, I felt your mood change when I put it on." I started blushing, but nodded my head telling him to keep his shirt off. I walked over to him and went up on my tippy toes to tell him I wanted a kiss, because he has to bend down even when I'm on my tippy toes. But he just took a step back from me.

"We need to talk before we go down there." He said trying to start the conversation, I was upset and I felt rejected so I say down on the one person chair, which forced him to sit away from me. "I know your upset with me but in front of the pack we cant seem like mates, so we have to slowly drift apart in the morning so its not so hard when we leave." I sat the stunned at his words.

"So what your saying is that I can be your mate in here all I want but as soon as we leave the room i cant be?" I asked numbly.

"Yes, and you'll have to cover your mark before you leave too." He said getting ready to walk out the door.

"Do I have permission to ask, why in hell, I would do that?" He nodded and turned around to look at me,

"Because the pack loves you but the counsels don't think you should lead so, I told them I rejected you, so we must act like I did." He said before grabbing his shirt and putting it on and leaving me sitting in the chair by myself in his room. I frowned, fine if he wants to play that game then he can.

After covering up my mark I walked down stairs and into the kitchen were many pack men were eating and I started to get nervous, I mumbled a very quite hi, but none of them herd me. Instead whne I snuck by them to get to the fridge I herd them whispering to each other.

"Who's the hottie?"

"I herd she's one of the Omegas."

"There's no way she's on of them none of them have shifted yet, let alone come up stairs."

"You know I would love to take her up stairs and show her a good time."

"No, dude I want her!"

"She's not going to come with us willingly dummies." And after a sec of silence, all three of the big guys got up and started walking towards me. I whimpered and took a step back.

'All males report to the main hall, now!' Blake yelled through the mindlink making everyone jump. The men grumbled under their breathe but slowly back away from me. After they left I ran upstairs and started moving my self to the attic, the only room empty. After I got everything up there I had to start cleaning and arranging the room.

After about two hours I had washed a dried the sheets for my twin sized bed, and I got everything place just how I liked on it. I also had found an old dresser and room divider which I had painted and set up in my room, but that's all that was in my new room. A bed, with blankets on it, a dresser and a room divider. It was pretty sad, I wish he hadn't said he rejected me, because now I have to have a place in the pack and its going to be a maid, or AKA punching bag. I cant show my mates mark and I cant touch him unless were in his room, which I cant be in his room because then It would look like were still together. I decided that even though it was inly 7 at night that I was tired and not wanting to deal with Alpha Blake I headed to sleep. Oh! That's another thing I must address him by Alpha.

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