Chapter 8

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I knew I made a bi mistake and Alpha was going to come after me. I went to find my crate so I could hide but Blake picked me up before I could get away.

"I'm going to need you to shift for me." He said in my mind and right then and there I knew it was a test.


I was sitting in my cage waiting till fighting time when the Alpha came out to my crate. This was right after my 'Mom' was killed.

"Hello Mutt! I need you to shift back." He said harshly but he didn't use his Alpha tone when he said, so I was sure what to do. He was tapping his foot like he was waiting for me to shift back.

So I did. And I knew right away that was a mistake. He grabbed my chine roughly and repeated the ever famous words.

"You are never aloud to talk, look anyone in the eyes, or shift back. Now which one of those rules have you broken? Oh, yay, number three! Shift back Mutt." I did what I was told fearing for my life. He the proceeded to bring me to the warriors training, this is the first time he brought me to high ranked wolves. He all ways said I was not even worthy enough to be their punching bags. He tied my feet to the pole and but the muzzle on me. Then he sent the men on me.




I felt everything they did. When they were bored with me Alpha didn't even untie me he just simply left me sitting in the cold weather almost bleeding to death.

End of Flashback~~~~~~~

I whimpered at thought of that repeating.

"That would never happen here, or anywhere for that matter. I promise I will be here for you the whole time." He said putting me down and making everyone else leave. To say I was nervous was an under statement. "You'll do fine."

I thought about how I used to have long flowing blonde hair, and how my legs used to be longer than the rest of my body and I would always trip myself with my own two feet.

Soon I was standing on two feet. It felt weird and I lost my balance but Blake caught me quickly.

"Here you might want this." He said holding out a shirt, His shirt to be exact. I slipped it on with help from his and he helped me walk over to a mirror, so I could see myself and I couldn't believe that was me.

My hair changed color is was now a light brown with very bright blonde highlights, but they were only on the bottom half of my hair. My body had changed a lot too. I had to big boobs compared to what I had when I was ten. I was skinny, to skinny. My eyes were a very vibrant blue green. My nose was round and didn't stick off my face much, which I liked.

It really didn't matter to me what I looked like. I was worried of what Blake would think of me and would my old Alpha come find me since I disobeyed his orders? I looked back at Blake to see what he thought of my human body but when I turned around he was gone and i was left alone in his room by myself.

I felt very unprotected so i shifted back and went under his bed the first place I hi when I got here until they gave me my crate but now they took that away from me so i must not even be worthy enough to have a small safe place.

And with those thought I fell into a restless sleep.

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