Chapter 24

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Blake's POV

I walked in and she was snuggled deep in my clothes looking for comfort. She was skinny again just like when we found her and she sleeps really lightly. She still hasn't seen me nor woken up really, since we got here and I knew if she didn't see me when she woke up she would most likely let go, and I cant let that happen. So I got comfy on the floor in my room and tried to fall asleep.

I woke up to someone cuddling into me and my first thought was to push them away because I have a mate but before I could her smell reached my nose. It was Danny and she was in human form! She was curled up into my chest naked and shivering. She was in a very light sleep and she must be having a nightmare because she's whimpering and flinching in her sleep but I didn't want to wake her for he needed her sleep. I puled her closer to me, I never really got to do this with her but that was before I kill that excuse of an Alpha. She will never be hurt again and I will never leave her alone again.

"Blake?" She mumbled almost like she thought she was dreaming but she was staring right at me.

"Baby I'm right here."

"No your not, its a dream Blakey. I'll wake up and you'll be gone." She looked away from me and at that moment I couldn't help myself. I pulled her to me and pressed my lips against hers roughly. She was still before respond to my kiss. Fireworks were surging through my body and the thoughts of marking her were popping into me head thanks to my "wonderful" wolf. She started to push her tongue into my mouth and I gladly opened for her. I was surprised that she was so bold but our tongues battled for dominances. After what seemed like forever we kissed, breathy moans came out of her and I was getting excited own there. She noticed and started to grind on me making me groan out in pleasure.

"You better stop now babe or I might mark you." I said in a husky voice right in her ear causing her to shiver. Then she spun on my lap making sure to press her self into me before whispering in my ear.

"I wont stop you." She was so bold and she gave me permission but I was still nervous. I kissed her lips again softer this time and when she pulled away to breath I started trailing kiss down her neck to the point where her shoulder and neck meet. When I kissed this spot she shivered and moaned in pleasure. I gave her some wonderful love bites, then I went to mark her but last second stopped afraid that she was just saying that because she was scared.

"Baby please mark me. I need to know I'm always yours." She moaned, with those words I sunk my teeth in her skin. She squirmed, so I gripped her hips tightly until she started to moan even louder from the pleasure flooding her body. I retracted my teeth and licked the small spot of blood of her shoulder, she shuddered under my touch and bit her lip to hold back another moan. Then she started to yawn. I picked her up and she mumbled something I couldn't under stand so I just said,

"Fall asleep baby, your tired out from the marking. I'll be here when you wake up. love you." She mumbled an I love you back and fell asleep. I laid her in bed after I slipped a shirt on her and curled in next to her. She snuggled closer to me and my last thought before I fell asleep was.....

I've waited so long for this.

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