Chapter 11

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Ace's POV

When Blake mindlinked me and told me what happened I sent Liz to talk to him and make sure he's ok. Mean while I had to go check on Danny. When I walked in she came out from under the bed but she started to back up when she saw me. I kept walking to her but she would take a step back when I took one forward. Then in one movement she jump towards the bed and I jumped towards her, instead of grabbing her scruff I grabbed her tail and when she yelped in pain I let go. There was no way i was getting her to come out to make sure she's ok.


"Yes Ace?"

"She won't come out and it looks like her paw might be hurt but she doesn't seem to notice it. The only way to get her calm enough to look at her paw."

"Do whatever you need to do Ace. Handle it." And with that he blocked me out, so I called Lacy the pack doctor and told her the situation and she said she would be here any second.

When she came she was holding a bigger needle, and I knew if we talked out loud she might become even more nervous.

"Whats the needle for?"

"To calm her down and put her into a deep sleep, I know it might be bad but what other option do we have. If she wont come to me I need you to shift and scare her to me."

"No way I'm not scaring an Omega, my wolf would kill me."

"Well other wise she could die because I'm sure she has more going on, since she shifted for the first time in forever her bones, or organs could have damage to them so your going to do what I say right, don't make me tell Alpha that his Beta wouldn't help His mate."


She walkup to the edge of the bed and held out the hand that didn't have the needle. Danny must have seen it though because she started freaking out and Lacy gave me The Look, So I went over pushed the bed away from the wall so I could get under the bed. I shifted into my wolf and crawled under the bed with her. You could tell she was scared but I needed her to be so scared she wouldn't notice Lacy and the needle getting closer to her. I growled at her and she stared at me. She couldn't move she was so scared. My wolf was trying to take control and go comfort the pup, but i had to push him back. Every time she tried to look away I growled my Beta growl at her and she stopped.

By the time she turned around the needle was already in her thigh and she was getting very tired so I got out fro under the bed and just as I was about to shift back Blake and Liz walked and it must have looked bad to Danny because the last thing she did before falling asleep was let out a small whimper.

"Shift." He said in a deathly tone which meant, One; he's fighting his wolf, Or Two; he's really mad.

Once I shifted he had been filled in on what happened and Lacy was already looking at Danny's small body.

"Well, Alpha, she has a twisted bone in her paw probably from shifting. she also look to have some internal bruising. Which should go away in a couple of days. If she is going to shift back she needs to take this pill first other wise the same thing will happen over, and over again until her body is used to shifting like ours are." Lacy said looking up from Danny to look Blake in the eyes to tell him this was serious. He nodded, taking the pills she gave him of the table and putting them into her pocket.

"Why didn't she react to her hurt paw or bruised organs?" Liz asked out of curiosity, and I'm pretty sure everybody wanted to know that.

"She must have a very high pain tolerance, which can be good and bad. The way she was taught pain tolerance was not the right way and now she's scared for life from it." When lacy was saying this yo could hear the whimper Blake let out when she was done. It was a very quiet whimper but it was still there. When we were absorbing this information Danny started to wake up and because of how scared she was when she was drugged we decided to try and make her feel safer. So we put her crate in the room and everyone had left but Blake and I.

"You good man?" I asked patting his shoulder.

"I will be." Was his reply.

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