Chapter 6 ~ Our Charms

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        I was breathing hard, trying to cut lose of the stranger's grip. I got pulled to the cafeteria to one of the large circular tables. I felt the grip release from my waist. I quickly turned myself around and let out a punch with all of my might.

"Hey!" I opened my eyes and found out that I've punched Xavier. His nose began to bleed. Honestly. If I had done this a long time ago, I would be laughing. But I wasn’t then. 

"What was that man!" I pulled out a piece of cloth from my bag (I had that cloth because I used to use it to clean my locker. I washed it before Xavier used it.) Xavier held his nose. 

"What?" He said rather annoyed. I shook my head.

"What was that about?" I asked alarmed.

"Sworry! I hwanted tu sorprise chu." Xavier said.

"Okay don't talk! You sound like Donald Duck." 

"You callin’ meh names now, ho mwean." I shook my head again and lead him towards a bench.We sat on one of the benches that over looked the whole place. By the time his nose stopped bleeding, Xavier took out his phone and called Erix.

"Hey man, go on ahead. Yeah. I’m with Ebony. No. I won’t. Calm down. Yes." He said. Then he hanged up.

"Why did you want to surprise me?" I asked. He pulled out a small little box and handed it to me. I looked at him cautiously. I still wouldn't let my guard down, he's a jock.

I opened the box and found a small bird pedant I had lost years ago. I looked up at him to only find him with his eyes widened as if he got scared.

"Where did you get this?" I asked.

"Grabbed it from Kaya a couple years back. I tried giving it to you but you would ignore me and I've kept it just in case I got the chance to talk to you."

"You've kept it all this time? Xavier Philips is nice!" I laughed. 

"Of course I'm nice. Hot guy at school has to be nice to people he cares about." I looked at him. Today he clearly had pushed the limit. How can he care about me if we basically just met? It was...awkward.

"I don't understand what you see in me. If it were anyone they would of thrown it away or kept it for themselves."

"But I'm not just anyone, I'm someone. I knew that your grandmother gave it to you before she died. Then a week later Kaya took from you. I heard Erix say that Kaya took it and I got curious enough to go through her bag and look for it. I found it and then I thought how impossible it was to give it you. It then became my good luck charm for a while." 

"Thank you Xavier. I don't know how I'll repay you."

"You don't have to. Plus you don't have to go on that date, I was messing with you." He winked. "I'm in the mood for a burger." He got up and started to walk towards the parking lot.

As I got in his chair I found Kaya's blue buggie. I knew she had to come to the game eventually, but I don't recall seeing her back there. I would of gone to punch her but then I looked at Xavier as he started the car. I wouldn't pick up a fight near him because just as nice he is and just as he cares about me he would try to stop it. I turned on his radio and plugged in my iPod to it. I put my music on shuffle and all the way to In-N-Out we were singing along to Michael Jackson. Yes, I enjoy his songs as well. 

One Sunday morning as I was watering my small garden at my backyard I heard something pop in the kitchen. Erix opened the windows and bunch of smoke came out I tipped toe, trying to get a glimpse of Erix but the smoke was just too dark. 

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