Chapter 16 ~ Okay

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I went to volleyball practice the next day. I was in uniform and the only thing I was doing throughout practice was just stretch and practice jumping. Yes, jumping randomly. Most of the girls asked why I wasn't talking to Angie. I only said that I want to be alone. I overheard that Angie and I got in a fight. I blocked them out. I went over to my bag and took out my iPod.

I stayed until five I believe just doing complete nonsense. I served towards the net and hit the ball so hard that I think I screamed. My right hand burned and ache. I was on my knees and felt coldness run down my cheeks.

The pain was worth it. I felt relived though. As I stared at my hand I just thought how incredibly quick you can hurt yourself. At one point I felt someone help me up to my feet and rushed me to the bench. There was a sound I had blocked out, only shortly when a hand covered mine I looked up returning to earth. It was the warmth of those hands. 

"Ebony! Can you hear me? Hello?" 

"Hi." I said.

"What happened? I was looking for you and all I see is you scream and fall to the ground."

"I'm fine." 

"No you're not. Have you seen your hand?"

"It's worth it." 

"Let's go to the hospital, the nurse isn't here." He grabbed my left hand and pulled me up. He turned around to see if I was following him but he frowned.

"What?" He took off his sweater and wrapped it around my waist.

"They really need to change the uniforms or you just need to get longer shorts." Xavier grabbed my belongings and rushed out the door. There was nothing else to do but just to follow him grabbing my hand. He opened the door for me and went to put all of our stuff in the trunk. He got on and quickly went in the freeway.

"How did you find me?" I asked.

"I was waiting for you here. I texted Angie and she told me that she hasn't seen you all day. I knew you must had gone to volleyball practice so I decided to go and check the gym."

"Oh. I'm fine. Just drop me off at my house."

"I told you I'm taking you to the hospital."

"Xavier it's just red." He didn't answer. His eyes were set forward at the traffic. I sighed and put on some alternative music on. Xavier shot me a glare and I changed the song. 

"Are you depress or something? Put something else." So I put on Alesana. It wasn’t a big difference for me but we were listening to Elton John until we got to the hospital.

Xavier filled out some of the paper work for me since I had my right hand injured. I looked around the room and just bunch of people there either crying or just throwing up in blue bags. 

"Have you had any sexual enter course?" Xavier asked. I looked at him. "What? It's in the paper." He pointed to the question.

"No." I turned back around and looked at the people from the ambulance run in.

"Do you have any questions about HIV slash AIDS?"

"No Xavier. Is that all the questions? Or are you making them up?"

"Almost done...well since your parents aren't here I'm your legal guardian." Xavier signed the paper and handed it back to one of the nurses.
“You aren’t even eighteen yet.” I said.
“I am older than you.” Point taken.

We waited about an hour until they finally called my name. A nurse took my temperature, height, weight and began to ask me why I'm here and how I'm feeling. She soon looked at my hand and she sent me to another room so I can see the doctor. Seriously, my hand was just red. While we were waiting in the room Xavier decided to call my brother. He came back in the room and said that Erix hadn't picked up. 

Simple, Unexpected Crush ~Book 1 of Life Matters~Where stories live. Discover now