Chapter 10 ~ Little Talks

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I’ve called Josh, Zazu, since we were kids. Our favorite movie had always been The Lion King. He's so much like Zazu, the bird. He's loyal to his king and won't betray him. His king had always been Erix but lately he's been...denying him. Aunt Gomez walked in with two hot chocolate for us.

"If you need anything just tell me." She waved off. As soon she closed the door there was a scream.

"I want some too!"

"No, you're grounded." My aunt said.


"Jena, enough."

"I want some!"

"Johnny back to your room!" Josh had two younger, twin siblings, Jena and Johnny. They were seven.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Jena pushed a boy in her class for calling her a dummy. Johnny had slapped the boy too."

"Why are they grounded then?"

"Because the boy didn't do anything. They made up the fact that he called Jena a dummy."

"Oh." I finished my hot chocolate and covered myself in his bed sheets.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I told him everything about today including what happened between Xavier and me. I expected him to laugh and make a joke about it but instead he hugged me. 

"I feel you." He said "but I'm mostly mad at Erix. He's being such a Scar." I giggled.

"I don't understand my own brother. I felt he accepted me and he was going to change but I was wrong. He ended up what he does best. Make a fool out of me."

"Erix does care about you. He just doesn't know what to do to show it. He thinks he's doing the right thing but he's not." 

"He's stupid." 

"But Xavier on the other hand..." His voice trailed off. "Is what I'm suspicious of."

"What do you mean?" 

"Think about it Eb. Why else would the beast of him want to change? Why does he worry about you?" 

"I don't know...the voicemail though...did I do something bad?"

"No. But avoiding him...might make him more desperate. Your opinion matters to him and there's nothing you can change about that but to accept his forgiveness before he ever forgives you."

"I don't like this. I never asked for this."

"We get what we don't want I suppose." 

"What makes you say that?"

"I didn't ask for twins and now I love those little things." I laughed out loud. My little cousins are the cutest things. They are just the exact replica of Josh but Johnny boy had green eyes. 

"I get it." I buried my face under his covers.

"Are you going to take over my bed?"

"I didn't ask you to leave." Josh went to turn off the lights and slipped in the covers with me. I hugged my adorable cousin and closed my eyes into a deep sleep.

For that week I stayed at my aunts house and by the time I went back home Erix was already roaming around the halls with his clutches. He tried to talk to me but I simply moved out of his way. It wasn't long before things went back to normal.

"You do have a license child?" My father asked. 

"Most likely."

"I'm letting you borrow the Lincoln to drive your brother everywhere he needs to go."

Simple, Unexpected Crush ~Book 1 of Life Matters~Where stories live. Discover now