Chapter 1

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HAPPY SEQUEL! Make sure you've read 'Being A Braun' before this.


'The Truth Behind Why Pop-Beauty Ariana Braun Was At The Hospital' read the headline of the magazine i'd just purchased. Usually, i never read any of that shit - the media stuff. But i was just tired of all the gossip and slightly intrigued as to what stupid story they'd come up with. So i bought it. I opened it up to find a full article about me inside.

'Ariana, who is currently dating popstar Justin Bieber (both 17) was pictured leaving the hospital in California on thursday. It is rumoured she was there getting a lump she had found checked."

I raised my eyebrows. I couldn't help laughing to myself a little. They were crazy, how'd they come to that conclusion?

'The star, who's debut single Put Your Hearts Up hit number one last month, shares a manager with her beau Justin Bieber. Bieber was not seen with her at the hospital since it is reported he was still in Atlanta, Georgia where he permanently resides.'

I scanned my eyes over the rest of the article and it was basically a load of gossip and pictures. There was some gossip about me meeting up with Demi too.

It hadn't been announced that i was joining her for the tour yet, so people were speculating. A lot of my fans were getting excited - and i was too. They said it was down to me when i announced it. The papers were signed and stuff now, so everything was official. But i wanted to wait for the right time to announce it.

I sighed and shut the magazine. I slid my phone out of my pocket. I tweeted.

@missarianabraun: i was NOT getting a lump checked the other day at the hospital. i was just feeling a little unwell but no worries, im fine :)

As i slid my phone back into my pocket, a tanned, blonde figure slid into the seat opposite me. "Ri." His familiar Australian accent greeted.

I smiled. "Codes! Hey man."

"Hey." He grinned. I hugged him over the table. "Damn i barely recognized you just now. How's it going?"

"It's going okay." I nodded. I took in his outfit and as-always on-point hairstyle. I tucked a piece of my own hair behind my ear. "What about you, are you good?"

"Im great! I don't known if Scoot told you but i just started writing for an album. So that's exciting."

"Wow, that's awesome Codes."

He smiled at me, which slowly turned into a smirk. One of his eyebrows cocked up a little bit. "So um- what's with wearing the shades inside a restaurant? Anyone would think you're hiding from someone."

I laughed, taking them off. "Hiding from everyone more like."

"Pap's eating you up?"

"Yeah. I'm a little fed up of opening up a magazine and bam a picture of me with some lame, untrue story." I explained. I looked down at the magazine and pushed it across the table to him. I cracked a smile while he frowned at the page. "I do not have a lump by the way."

He grinned at me. "That's good too hear. Not that i would believe this crap anyway."

"Good. You know, i'm trying super hard not to get into any situations or put myself out there for drama. But it's hard."

"Of course it is." He nodded. He directed his eyes back up at me. "Those paps are everywhere. And if it's not a pap, it's just some randomer filming you in the street."

Nothing Like Us - (Sequel to Being A Braun)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora