Chapter 11

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The break up was hard - i guess any break up is. But i felt so angry and hurt. I loved Ariana; i had for the majority of time i'd known her. And the thought of us not being together anymore put me in a bad place. I didn't even know if we were on speaking terms? I got the impression that she just wanted to be away from me all-together. And that hurt really bad.

I found myself thinking back to the last break-up i'd had - i guess the most serious one excluding Ariana - which was with Selena. And i realized how different it had all been. With her, i had kind of created an ideal girlfriend inside my head, who i wanted her to be, and i forced myself to feel certain ways because i wanted us to be serious. But in reality, she was nothing like what i wanted in a girl. She was fame-hungry, attention-seeking and a plain darn difficult girlfriend. It took me awhile to realize that.

Then after we broke up, i decided i was done with girls for awhile (apart from my beliebers of course). I wanted to just enjoy my life and not force myself to date someone that i didn't really like.

But then Ariana came along.. And she was just great

From the moment i first met her, i felt a connection, and we grew to be friends really quickly - but there was always that hint of something else. And then over time, i fell in love with her for real. She made me so happy and even though we did fight sometimes, i loved everything about her. She was effortlessly beautiful inside and out.. Her smile; her eyes; her lips; her perfect little dimple, her personality, the way she looked at me - the list was endless.

The truth was, i'd just lost the person that meant the most to me, and that i loved the most...


I rested my chin on my chest as i stared down at the pen twiddling in my fingers. I was in the studio, two days after the break-up, listening to Big Sean record a newly-written piece for the track 'As Long As You Love Me' for my new album. I felt every single lyric.

"Us, trust, a couple of things i can't spell without you." He sung. "Now we on top of the world, 'cause that's just how we do. Used to tell me 'sky's the limit', now the sky's our point of view. Man now we stepping out like whoa. Cameras point and shoot. Ask me what's my best side, i stand back and point at you, you, you. The one that I argue with, i feel like i need a new girl to be bothered with, but the grass ain't always greener on the other side, it's green where you water it. So i know we got issues baby true, true, true, but I'd rather work on this with you than to go ahead and start with someone new. As long as you love me."

The rap was written by Mike Posner (one of the writers i'd worked with for most of the album) and myself. I'd flown back in California right after the break-up, and i'd gone to him with some lyrics. The rap was about Ariana and i - of course -. I needed to get some feelings out of my system, and for me, music was the best way for that.

I was so down about the break-up and everyone knew it. I was trying to carry on without her, but it was so hard. I was beating myself up over everything i'd done and i honestly felt lost without her.

My baby.


I trailed my fingers across the keys of the piano, a frown perfectly engraved on my face as i played a slow melody. I heard someone come in.

"I said i'm alright here by myself," i sighed. "I'm fine."

There was silence. I turned to look over my shoulder, seeing it wasn't Mike as i i had expected. I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Oh." I murmured. "Mom."

"Hey Jay." She smiled softly. She waved her thin fingers at me as she came over to sit on the other chair next to the piano. I breathed out a sigh, closing the songbook i had been writing in.

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