Chapter 23

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"Ri!!!" I heard Kezia's voice squeal. I looked up, grinning as i saw her sprinting across the busy parking lot towards me. I opened my arms.


"HEY GIRL." She beamed, diving on me. I stumbled back a little due to the force of her body, laughing at her excitement. "How are you? I MISSED YOU."

"I'm good," I smiled. "I missed you too Kez. How was your break?"

"HA, great." She grinned.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Either you hooked up with someone or you did something really bad to Madison. Kez what did you do?"

My dancer laughed. "Madison pft the slut, she's not even with Gaz. That picture on her phone was BULLSHIT. Bullshit girl," she repeated. "They were never together. He just fucked her and i think he said her slutty friend too.

"Whatta dousche."

"I know right." She agreed. "And apparently i'm his 'baby girl', he 'needs me'." She mimicked his voice. "I messed up baby girl, but i love you. I need you."

We both rolled our eyes at the same time.

"Anyway, he tried crawling back to me when he found out i was home."

"Tell me you didn't."

"Hell no, i didn't." She said. "I knocked that bitch down like you would knock down Jai Brooks."

I laughed but then turned to stare at her. "Wait, what?"

"Ri come on, everyone knows there's tension between y'all."

"Oh." I mumbled. I followed her into a door leading to the backstage part of the arena.

"Anyway that's not the point." She said. "I knocked him down and then he was begging and shit and he said he and Madison fucked while we were together, and then a bit after but only ever when he was drunk."

"Bullshit?" I asked.

"Yeah, absoloutley. But apparently she wanted to be with him but Gaz wasn't interested. Nigga wanted me back and he told her that."

I laughed. "You're happy about that, huh?"

"Mhmm." She grinned. She threw her arm around my neck, hugging my head into her body. "And man am i gonna rub it in her face."

"Kezia, what did i say about you guys fighting?"

"Ri there's no way i am missing this opportunity. No blood though, i promise. I'll only hurt her if she pisses me off some more."

I started laughing but was cut off by other people coming into view.


The day after Justin visited Avalanna in the New York hospital, we took an early flight back to Atlanta. There, i rushed around packing everything i would need for the tour, then had to fly out to Mexico City - the first destination for Demi's tour.

Obviously, this meant goodbyes.. my least favourite thing (especially with Justin). But after a batch of tears and kisses, i walked onto the plane with Max. We were going to be apart for just under 2 weeks, until the tour travelled up to New York where Justin had tickets to come to the show. He had booked a break in his busy album-promoting schedule to come see me perform and then spend a few days with the tour.

He had wanted to come see the first show, but his single 'Boyfriend' was being released the next day, which meant he had to be in California for interviews and performances and so Scooter wouldn't allow him to come.


"Riiiii!" My dancers grinned, seeing us enter. They jogged over, attacking me with hugs and greetings. I laughed, happily greeting each of them.

Nothing Like Us - (Sequel to Being A Braun)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum