Chapter 15

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Been working on this whilst camping and inbetween revison. Just a reminder that Ariana and Justin are both 18 still in the book and it is mid-March 2012.


- 4PM -

I clock-watched, tapping my foot lightly on the hotel-room floor as i studied the slowly ticking hand. I yawned in boredom. My tutor Jen raised an eyebrow at me.

"Ariana?" She spoke.


"What are you doing?"

I snapped my attention to her. "The questions." I insisted. I gestured at them.

"It doesn't look like it." My Mom commented.

I bit down on my lip as i glanced at my half-done math equations. I heard my phone, which was laid on the coffee table just out of reach, beep. It lit up with a message from Justin. I fidgeted.

"Hey, is it time to leave yet?"

"When you finish." Jen said. My Mom smirked at me, shaking her head as she went back to reading her magazine.

"But i can finish them tomorrow." I argued. "Theres only a couple left-"


"Damn come on!" I pleaded. "I've been doing them for ages."


Shortly after Scooter's plane landed in California, my Mom arrived too. Don't get me wrong, i was really happy to see her - i hadn't even got to say a proper goodbye last time - but i knew she was here for a serious reason.

They were both apparently 'unhappy' with how i'd been acting recently, and were worried about me - which kinda made me feel bad. They were mad about how i treated my management, who allegedly did nothing wrong to me (which they did but whatever), and they said i was treating other people bad too - e.g Alfredo.

They were also of course angry that i'd run away again. Apparently that wasn't a way to deal with my problems, not that i had ever said it was.

They lectured me as expected, and then we had this big discussion about everything. I opened up a little about my feelings and stuff, and i told them maturely about what was going on with Justin and i. And i think they were quite surprised.

Scooter then filled me in with my schedule until the tour: involving tutoring again = The joys. They wanted me to knuckle down and finish high school like the rest of my age group. I was slightly annoyed because i hated school, and tutoring was going to make everything ten times harder. Dance rehearsals, endless meetings, vocal coaching and now tutoring aswel was definitely going to be a lot of work.

But also booked into my schedule, was some exciting stuff...


"Okay fine." Jen sighed. "You can go as long as Mom approves."

My Mom looked up from her magazine. "Hmm i'm quite enjoying watching you." I shot her a look. "I'm kidding babe." She laughed. "Yeah, it's fine with me Jen, she can go."

"Yay!" I cheered. I shot forward to grab my phone, immediatley reading the text from Justin.

JUSTIN - does cinema sound good for tonight? i was thinkin maybe 21 jump street then mcdonalds?:)x

"Earth to Ariana."

My Mom laughed. "Jen if she's texting who i think she's texting, you've got no chance." She teased.

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