Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 of NLU already? Wow, crazy. Thank you for your patience. Had an exam this week and 2 next week so i have little time to write right now. I appreciate you not trying to rush me because i know how much you love updates :)

Enjoy my gorgeous readers :)


I frowned as i put down my book and slid off of the bar stool to go investigate. I walked into the lounge area of the hotel room. Suddenly a shiver went down my spine.

My eyes locked on something on the coffee table, where i had been working earlier on with Jen. I went over to it. It was a small angel ornament, with little wings and a halo. I picked it up, a frown forming on my face. It seemed weird.

I ran my hand across it turning the angel over in my hand to look at the back. A faint ridge was visible in the design. I lightly rubbed my thumb across it, feeling a slight bump. I walked over to the kitchen with it in my hand, frowning down at the figurine. I picked a knife out of the drawer and stuck it in the ridge on the back of the angel. I levered off the back.

I placed the knife on the table top and stared down at the series of small cables and wires inside the angel. They were attached to a little black box at the bottom and snaked up to the top of the angel, criss-crossing and disappearing into the head. I squinted at the black box.


A sickly feeling washed over me. Why the hell was there wires and a USB port inside an angel ornament?

My head shot up, a faint sound capturing my attention from the other room. And that's when i noticed the door to my bedroom area slightly ajar.

I gently set the angel down on the table top, keeping my eyes focused on the open door. I walked towards it, my breath hitching. I reached the door, wavering as i strained my ears to listen. I could hear someone.

I glanced in through the crack in the door, my breath hitching. But there was nothing.

I let my eyes scan the room, frantically looking for something to explain the noise and the mysterious ornament. My eyes caught sight of something on the dressing table amongst my discarded make-up: another angel.

I stared at it, my heart pounding. It was just in view of the door, facing me.


I took three cautious steps backwards, keeping my eyes on the ajar door. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and with one glance down, clicked on someone. I panted as i held it to my ear, gnawing on my thumb. I suddenly felt really scared.

"Hello beautiful." Justin greeted after 2 rings.

"You have to come back." I whispered into the phone. I kept my eyes locked on the bedroom door as i moved backwards across the room.

"What? Why what's going on?"

"I think someone's in my hotel room." I swallowed. "I can hear someone in my room and i think-, i think i just found some hidden cameras. There's someone in the bedroom i-"

"Someone's in your hotel room?!"

"Yeah i-, i think so.."

"I'm turning around right now, get out of there." He ordered. I gripped the phone tightly, a scary thought suddenly entering my brain.

"What if it's Twist? Or Jai?" I whispered in thought,

"Just get the hell out of there Ri! Call the cops. Right now."

Nothing Like Us - (Sequel to Being A Braun)Where stories live. Discover now