Chapter 4

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Please check out the sidebar! I made that Alfredo tweet & the edit! I was so proud lol. Anyway enjoy the chappy!:)


The next day was bliss. I got to spend time with Justin's family, Ryan and Chaz, and i also spent a full afternoon running around in the snow with Justin, Jazzy and Jaxon. It was amazing fun. Canada was really great.

There was no one bothering us; no paparazzi, no drama. I kept saying to myself: "Why have i never been here before?!" It was really the perfect place. Usually Justin and i couldn't step outside onto our own front drives without beng photographed or yelled questions at. Here, we could walk down the streets with no sunglasses, no disguises, just us.

Suddenly i was imagining my future, which was really weird. I was 17, yet i was seriously thinking about settling down - not anytime soon of course - but what i wanted when it was time. I pictured myself married to Justin, living in Canada in a huge house, healthy children running around, playing in the snow, cosy movie days...

Justin's voice interrupted my daydream as he laughed at me. "Earth to Ri?"

"Huh? What?" I raised my eyebrows and looked around. I realised we were almost home to Bruce and Dianes house. Lucky my arm had been linked through Justin's the entire time, or i would have most certainly have fallen over by then.

Justin studied me with interest. "What are you thinking of?"

"Oh, you know.." I sighed. "The future."

"The future?"

"U-huh" I looked up at his confused face, a smile tugging on his lips.

"And what does that consist of, may i ask?"

I looked down at our feet, which were walking in sync. "What do you want it to consist of?"

"I do believe i asked you."

"Well i want to know yours first." I laughed.

He grinned down at me. "Okay, well since it's your birthday tomorrow."

"It's yours too." I pointed out.

He laughed. "I know that dumbass. Do you want me to tell you or what?"

I mimed zipping my lips shut.

"Okay, you child." He grinned. "The future.. Umm. I imagine us, loads of children, a really big house, your family, my family, a dog running around, music, maybe performing a little? That sort of thing." He shared.

"Loads of children?! How many exactly?"

He shrugged. "Oh i dunno, 7 or 8 maybe?"

"Woah no-way Bieber!" I objected, my eyebrows shooting up. "You realise-"

My foot suddenly slipped on a piece of ice i hadn't seen, and i fell backwards. Justin cursed because i accidentally brought him down with me, both of us landing butt-first in the snow.

I sighed. "Why the hell does this keep happening to me?!"

"I- i don't know." Justin spluttered, throwing his head back to laugh at me. I tried not to crack a smile.

"It's not funny!" I pouted. I scooped a peice of snow into my hand and threw it at him. It landed in his hair.

I laughed as his eyes widened.

"Not the hair Ri! That was a dangerous move. This shit just got real." He declared. I screamed as he too scooped up a handful of snow and threw it at me.

Nothing Like Us - (Sequel to Being A Braun)Where stories live. Discover now